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Node.js Api,无法从数据库中删除

[英]Node.js Api, can't delete from database

I'm working on an Angular project so I wanted to make a simple Rest API to handle a MySql database , that's why I made one in Node.js but when I tried to delete an item with id = 3 , I'm only getting an error看起来像这样:

  errno: 1064,
  sqlMessage: "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '?' at line 1",
  sqlState: '42000',
  index: 0,
  sql: 'DELETE FROM recipies WHERE id = ?'

所以我想寻求帮助。 我在想我收到了这个错误,因为这几行有一些逻辑问题:

Recipe.remove = (id, result) => {
    sql.query("DELETE FROM recipies WHERE id = ?", id, (err,res) => {
        if (err) {
            console.log("error", err);
            result(null, err);
        if (res.affectedRows == 0) {
            // not found recipe with the id
            result({ kind: "not_found" }, null);
        console.log("deleted customer with id: ", id);
        result(null, res);


在 NodeJS 中,要替换查询 arguments,您可以将它们列在一个数组中作为查询的第二个参数。

sql.query("DELETE FROM recipies WHERE id = ?", [ id ], (err,res) => {...

出现了一个错字: recipeID ,应该是recipeId




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