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将 python 中的多个嵌套 JSON 转换为 CSV

[英]Convert multiple nested JSON to CSV in python

我有一个 JSON 并且我想将其转换为 CSV 但问题是 json 是多个嵌套的并且内部字段并不总是具有相同数量的对象。


套件 1 有 5 个产品,套件 2 有 3 个产品(以及两种情况下的产品数量)

套件 1:

               "kit_client":"Lumax Mannoh Allied Technologies Limited",
               "kit_info":"Gear Lever TACO_FLC",

套件 2:

               "kit_client":"Lumax Mannoh Allied Technologies Limited",
               "kit_info":"Floor Sealing Assy_Crate",
            "flow":"LMXMNH_Manesar_Nashik_Floor Sealing Assy W501",

我尝试json_normalize但它使外部字典变平。 我希望 output 看起来像这样:

transaction_no  dispatch_date send_from_warehouse  sales_order  flow_name  kit_name  asked_quantity  alloted_quantity  product1  product1 quantity  product2  product2 quantity...( to the maximum product in all JSON)

完整的 JSON:


json_normalize是用于简单事情的好工具。 当您有一个深度嵌套的 json 时,最好使用递归自定义 function手动处理它。



data = json.loads(js)

def find_keys(data, keys=None, lst= None, cur = None):
    if keys is None:
        keys = set()      # will contain the field names
        lst = []          # list of dict for the data
        cur = {}          # current data row
    if isinstance(data, list):
        for sub in data:
            cur = cur.copy()      # create a new row for each item in of a list
            find_keys(sub, keys, lst, cur)
    elif isinstance(data, dict):
        for k,v in data.items():
            if k == 'products':   # special processing for products
                for i,p in enumerate(v, 1):
                    for (k1, v1) in p.items():
                        keys.add(k1 + str(i))
                        cur[k1 + str(i)] = v1
            elif isinstance(v, (list, dict)):
                cur = cur.copy()   # a new row for each nested json
                find_keys(v, keys, lst, cur)
                keys.add(k) # a plain data (number or string): feed the row
                cur[k] = v
    return lst, keys

lst, keys = find_keys(data)

# sort the products to come after the other keys
fieldnames = sorted(keys, key=lambda k: 1 * 2*int(k[8:])
                    if k.startswith('quantity')
                    else 2*int(k[7:]) if k.startswith('product') else 0)

# and use the csv module here
with open('data.csv', newline='') as fd:
    wr = csv.DictWriter(fd, fieldnames)
    _ = wr.writeheader()

# or build a dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame(lst, columns=fieldnames)


columns = ['asked_quantity', 'freight_charges', 'driver_name', 'sales_order', 
           'id', 'transport_by', 'alloted_quantity', 'is_delivered', 'kit_info', 
           'dispatch_date', 'expected_delivery', 'vehicle_number', 'vehicle_type',
           'remarks', 'kit_name', 'lr_number', 'owner', 'transaction_no', 'kit_client', 
           'driver_number', 'send_from_warehouse', 'flow', 'model', 'components_per_kit',
           'product1', 'quantity1', 'quantity2', 'product2',
           'quantity3', 'product3', 'quantity4', 'product4', 'quantity5', 'product5',
           'product6', 'quantity6'

df = df.reindex(columns=columns)

从这样的 json 中提取数据的“经典”方法如下:

d = json.load(open("my_file.json"))
df = pd.json_normalize(d, record_path=["flows", "kit", "products"], 
                  meta=["transaction_no", "dispatch_date", "send_from_warehouse", "sales_order", 
                        ["flows", "flow"], 
                        ["flows", "kit", "kit_name"], 
                        ["flows", "asked_quantity"], 
                        ["flows", "alloted_quantity"]


    product quantity    transaction_no  dispatch_date   send_from_warehouse sales_order flows.flow  flows.kit.kit_name  flows.asked_quantity    flows.alloted_quantity
0   PP001   1   2324    2020-08-11T04:40:34.876000Z Yantraksh Logistics Private limited_GGNPC1  105 LMXMNH_Manesar_Nashik_Transmission Gear Leaver...   KIT1162A    3   3
1   PS001   1   2324    2020-08-11T04:40:34.876000Z Yantraksh Logistics Private limited_GGNPC1  105 LMXMNH_Manesar_Nashik_Transmission Gear Leaver...   KIT1162A    3   3
2   PL001   1   2324    2020-08-11T04:40:34.876000Z Yantraksh Logistics Private limited_GGNPC1  105 LMXMNH_Manesar_Nashik_Transmission Gear Leaver...   KIT1162A    3   3

这是否回答你的问题? 要为第一个产品创建一个列,为第二个产品创建一个列等,您可以进行一些旋转。

您的 JSON 有一个非常简单的方法

  1. json_normalize()获取第一遍记录(每件套件
  2. explode()产品
  3. 将其转回 JSON to_dict(orient="records")
  4. json_normalize()再次扩展产品中的字典
kit = [{'kit': {'products': [{'product': 'PP001', 'quantity': 1},
   {'product': 'PS001', 'quantity': 1},
   {'product': 'PL001', 'quantity': 1},
   {'product': 'FIN1187', 'quantity': 3},
   {'product': 'FSS001', 'quantity': 4}],
  'kit_client': 'Lumax Mannoh Allied Technologies Limited',
  'kit_name': 'KIT1187',
  'kit_info': 'Gear Lever TACO_FLC',
  'components_per_kit': 66}},
{'kit': {'products': [{'product': 'CRT6423', 'quantity': 1},
   {'product': 'CIN1198A', 'quantity': 2},
   {'product': 'CSS001', 'quantity': 3}],
  'kit_client': 'Lumax Mannoh Allied Technologies Limited',
  'kit_name': 'KIT1198B',
  'kit_info': 'Floor Sealing Assy_Crate',
  'components_per_kit': 72},
 'flow': 'LMXMNH_Manesar_Nashik_Floor Sealing Assy W501',
 'asked_quantity': 3,
 'alloted_quantity': 3}]

df = pd.json_normalize(pd.json_normalize(kit)\


样品 output

                           kit.kit_client kit.kit_name              kit.kit_info  kit.components_per_kit                                           flow  asked_quantity  alloted_quantity kit.products.product  kit.products.quantity
 Lumax Mannoh Allied Technologies Limited      KIT1187       Gear Lever TACO_FLC                      66                                            NaN             NaN               NaN                PP001                      1
 Lumax Mannoh Allied Technologies Limited      KIT1187       Gear Lever TACO_FLC                      66                                            NaN             NaN               NaN                PS001                      1
 Lumax Mannoh Allied Technologies Limited     KIT1198B  Floor Sealing Assy_Crate                      72  LMXMNH_Manesar_Nashik_Floor Sealing Assy W501             3.0               3.0             CIN1198A                      2
 Lumax Mannoh Allied Technologies Limited     KIT1198B  Floor Sealing Assy_Crate                      72  LMXMNH_Manesar_Nashik_Floor Sealing Assy W501             3.0               3.0               CSS001                      3


外部链接上的 JSON 深度为三层。 完全相同的模式,你有 dataframe。



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