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正则表达式 - 查找哪个组与模式不匹配

[英]Regex - Find which group is not matching the pattern



string expression = (^P:)\\([A-Z]{3})\\(\d{6})\\(Revit)\\(Model)

我在我的 C# 程序中简单地匹配它

Match match = Regex.Match(toCheck, expression);


但是,如果我输入一个几乎正确的路径,例如P:\SYD\121174\ Rhino \Model (粗体差异)我希望从match object 中得到哪个组是错误的,所以我可以将它报告给用户。

            foreach (Group group in match.Groups)
                if (!group.Success)
                    failingGroup = group.Index;







本质上,对于每个组,我都添加了一个替代项来匹配[^\\]+ 这将匹配除斜杠以外的任何其他内容。 因此,如果路径说Revi而不是Revit ,则组 4 ( (Revit) ) 将不匹配,但不在组 ( [^\\]+ ) 中的第二个备选方案将匹配。 现在,即使一组失败,正则表达式仍会匹配,您将必须检查每个组的Success以了解路径是否是您想要的路径:

var failedGroups = match.Groups.Cast<Group>().Where(x => !x.Success).ToList();
var success = !failedGroups.Any();




if (match.Groups[1].Value != "P:") {
    // Group 1 in your original regex is wrong!
if (!Regex.IsMatch(match.Groups[2].Captures[0].Value, "^[A-Z]{3}$")) {
    // Group 2 in your original regex is wrong
if (!Regex.IsMatch(match.Groups[2].Captures[1].Value, @"^\d{3}$")) {
    // Group 3 in your original regex is wrong
if (match.Groups[2].Captures[2].Value != "Revit") {
    // Group 4 in your original regex is wrong
if (match.Groups[2].Captures[3].Value != "Model") {
    // Group 5 in your original regex is wrong

编辑:您似乎想要允许少于 5 个组件的路径。 您可以将{4}量词设为{0,4} (现在更加宽松),并检查第 2 组是否有 4 个捕获:

if (match.Groups[2].Captures.Count == 4) {
    if (match.Groups[1].Value != "P:") {
        // Group 1 in your original regex is wrong!
    if (!Regex.IsMatch(match.Groups[2].Captures[0].Value, "^[A-Z]{3}$")) {
        // Group 2 in your original regex is wrong
    if (!Regex.IsMatch(match.Groups[2].Captures[1].Value, @"^\d{3}$")) {
        // Group 3 in your original regex is wrong
    if (match.Groups[2].Captures[2].Value != "Revit") {
        // Group 4 in your original regex is wrong
    if (match.Groups[2].Captures[3].Value != "Model") {
        // Group 5 in your original regex is wrong
} else {
    // the path is shorter than expected

几乎只有 C#。
在从完整的正则表达式模式中未收到匹配项后,您可以使用此 function 来检测问题。


private string FindPathProblem(string path)
    // check path start with p:\
    if (!path.StartsWith(@"P:\"))
        return "description of the problem in group1";

    // issolate [A-Z]{3}
    string group2 = path.Substring(3, path.IndexOf("\\", 3
    // check the length is 3
    if (group2.Length != 3)
        return "description of the problem in group2";
    // check that all 3 characters are english chars
    Regex r = new Regex("[A-Z]{3}");
    if (!r.IsMatch(group2))
        return "description of the problem in group2";

    // isolate 6 characters (group 3)
    string group3 = path.Substring(7, path.IndexOf("\\", 7

    // check the legth is 6
    if (group3.Length != 6)
        return "description of the problem in group3";

    // check all characters are numbers
    int param = 0;
    var isnumeric = Int32.TryParse(group3,out param);
    if (isnumeric == false)
        return "description of the problem in group3";

    // check for the existance of Revit
    string group4 = path.Substring(14, 5);
    if (group4 != "Revit")
        return "description of the problem in group4";

    // check for the existance of Model
    string group5 = path.Substring(20, 5);
    if (group5 != "Model")
        return "description of the problem in group4";
    return "OK";


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