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[英]Fastest way to run a single function in python in parallel for multiple parameters

假设我有一个单一的功能processing 我想为多个参数并行运行相同的函数多次,而不是一个接一个地依次运行。

def processing(image_location):
    image = rasterio.open(image_location)

#calling function serially one after the other with different parameters and saving the results to a variable.
results1 = processing(r'/home/test/image_1.tif')
results2 = processing(r'/home/test/image_2.tif')
results3 = processing(r'/home/test/image_3.tif')

例如,如果我运行delineation(r'/home/test/image_1.tif')然后delineation(r'/home/test/image_1.tif') delineation(r'/home/test/image_2.tif')然后delineation(r'/home/test/image_2.tif') delineation(r'/home/test/image_3.tif') ,如上面的代码所示,它会一个接一个地依次运行,如果一个函数运行需要5分钟,那么运行这三个函数需要5x3=15分钟。 因此,我想知道我是否可以并行/尴尬地并行运行这三个,以便对所有三个不同参数执行该函数只需要 5 分钟。

帮助我以最快的方式完成这项工作。 该脚本应该能够利用默认情况下可用的所有资源/CPU/ram 来执行此任务。


from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool

pool = ThreadPool()
images = [r'/home/test/image_1.tif', r'/home/test/image_2.tif', r'/home/test/image_3.tif']
results = pool.map(delineation, images)

您可能想看看IPython Parallel 它允许您轻松地在负载平衡(本地)集群上运行函数。

对于这个小例子,确保你已经安装了IPython ParallelNumPyPillow 要运行该示例,您首先需要启动集群。 要启动具有四个并行引擎的本地集群,请在终端中键入(一个处理器内核一个引擎似乎是一个合理的选择):

ipcluster 4

然后您可以运行以下脚本,该脚本在给定目录中搜​​索 jpg-images 并计算每个图像中的像素数:

import ipyparallel as ipp

rc = ipp.Client()
with rc[:].sync_imports():  # import on all engines
    import numpy
    from pathlib import Path
    from PIL import Image

lview = rc.load_balanced_view()  # default load-balanced view
lview.block = True  # block until map() is finished

def count_pixels(fn: Path):
    """Silly function to count the number of pixels in an image file"""
    im = Image.open(fn)
    xx = numpy.asarray(im)
    num_pixels = xx.shape[0] * xx.shape[1]
    return fn.stem, num_pixels

pic_dir = Path('Pictures')
fn_lst = pic_dir.glob('*.jpg')  # list all jpg-files in pic_dir

results = count_pixels.map(fn_lst)  # execute in parallel

for n_, cnt in results:
    print(f"'{n_}' has {cnt} pixels.")

使用multiprocessing库编写的另一种方式(请参阅@Alderven 了解不同的功能)。

import multiprocessing as mp

def calculate(input_args):
    result = input_args * 2
    return result

N = mp.cpu_count()
parallel_input = np.arange(0, 100)
print('Amount of CPUs ', N)
print('Amount of iterations ', len(parallel_input))

with mp.Pool(processes=N) as p:
    results = p.map(calculate, list(parallel_input))

results变量将包含一个包含您处理过的数据的列表。 然后你就可以写了。


import joblib

allJobs = []

results = joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=joblib.cpu_count(), verbose=10)(allJobs)


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