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将 XML 文件转换为 CSV 文件的有效方法?

[英]Effective way to convert an XML file to a CSV file?

我正在尝试找到一种使用 Python 将 xml 文件转换为 csv 文件的方法。 我想这样做,以便脚本将解析每个警报的 xml 文件(请参阅下面的 xml 片段)。

所以它会创建一个 xls 文件,其中包含eventTypeprobableCausedescriptionseverities ,类似于这种格式:



XML 示例:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<faults version="1" xmlns="urn:nortel:namespaces:mcp:faults" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:nortel:namespaces:mcp:faults NortelFaultSchema.xsd ">
    <family longName="1OffMsgr" shortName="OOM"/>
    <family longName="ACTAGENT" shortName="ACAT">
                     <msg>Accounting is enabled upon this NE.</msg>
               <note>This log is generated when setting a Session Manager's AM from &lt;none&gt; to a valid AM.</note>
               <om>On all instances of this Session Manager, the &lt;NE_Inst&gt;:&lt;AM&gt;:STD:acct OM row in the  StdRecordStream group will appear and start counting the recording units sent to the configured AM.
                   On the configured AM, the &lt;NE_inst&gt;:acct OM rows in RECSTRMCOLL group will appear and start counting the recording units received from this Session Manager's instances.
                     <msg>Accounting is disabled upon this NE.</msg>
               <note>This log is generated when setting a Session Manager's AM from a valid AM to &lt;none&gt;.</note>
               <action>If you do not intend for the Session Manager to produce accounting records, then no action is required.  If you do intend for the Session Manager to produce accounting records, then you should set the Session Manager's AM to a valid AM.</action>
               <om>On all instances of this Session Manager, the &lt;NE_Inst&gt;:&lt;AM&gt;:STD:acct OM row in the StdRecordStream group that matched the previous datafilled AM will disappear.
                   On the previously configured AM, the  &lt;NE_inst&gt;:acct OM rows in RECSTRMCOLL group will disappear.
    <family longName="ACODE" shortName="AC">
                    <msg>Configured data for audiocode server updated: $1</msg>
                         <description>AudioCode configuration data got updated</description>
               <correctiveAction>None. Acknowledge/Clear alarm and deploy the audiocode server if appropriate.</correctiveAction>
               <alarmName>Audiocode Server Updated</alarmName>
                    <msg>Deployment for audiocode server failed: $1. Reason: $2.</msg>
                         <description>AudioCode Name</description>
                         <description>AudioCode Deployment failed reason</description>
                         <exampleValue>Failed to parse audiocode configuration data</exampleValue>
               <correctiveAction>Check the configuration of audiocode server. Acknowledge/Clear alarm and deploy the audiocode server if appropriate.</correctiveAction>
               <alarmName>Audiocode Server Deploy Failed</alarmName>


from logging import root
from xml.etree import ElementTree
import os
import csv

tree = ElementTree.parse('Fault.xml')

sitescope_data = open('Out.csv', 'w', newline='', encoding='utf-8')
csvwriter = csv.writer(sitescope_data)

col_names = ['eventType', 'probableCause', 'description']

root = tree.getroot()
for eventData in root.findall('alarms'):
    event_data = []
    event = eventData.find('alarm')

    event_id = event.find('eventType')
    if event_id != None :
        event_id = event_id.text


root = tree.getroot()

def get_uri(elem):
    if elem.tag[0] == "{":
        uri, ignore, tag = elem.tag[1:].partition("}")
        return f"{{{uri}}}"
    return ""

uri = get_uri(root)

def recurse(root):
    for child in root:
    for event in root.findall(f'{uri}alarm'):
        event_data = []
        event_id = event.find(f'{uri}eventType')
        if event_id != None :
            event_id = event_id.text

        probableCause = event.find(f'{uri}probableCause')
        if probableCause != None:
            probableCause = probableCause.text

        severities = event.find(f'{uir}severities')
        if severities:
            severity_data = ','.join([sv.text for sv in severities.findall('f{uri}severity')])




  1. 使用递归遍历 XML
  2. 打印语句将向您显示您的每个标签都有 {urn:nortel:namespaces:mcp:faults} 来自根中的 xmlns 属性,这可能是让您绊倒的大部分内容。 我添加了一个函数来获取这个“uri”文本并将其添加到每个标签中。
  3. 每次写入 csv 时,您都希望附加多列


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