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[英]How do I use the parameters of the object that I am calling a function on?

//Function to find the distance between 2 points
TLength CPoint::Distance(const CPoint& point) const
    TLength horiz = abs(point.X() - OBJECT.X());
  TLength vert = abs(point.Y() - OBJECT.Y());
  TLength dist = sqrt(pow(horiz,2) + pow(vert,2)); 
  return dist;

int main()
const CPoint a = CPoint(4,5);
const CPoint b = CPoint(1,1);



是否有一个术语可以代替 OBJECT 来使用函数 Distance 中的 a 值?

this是 self 对象上的指针,所以

TLength CPoint::Distance(const CPoint& point) const
    TLength horiz = abs(point.X() - this->X());
    TLength vert = abs(point.Y() - this->Y());
    TLength dist = sqrt(pow(horiz, 2) + pow(vert,2)); 
    return dist;


TLength CPoint::Distance(const CPoint& point) const
    TLength horiz = abs(point.X() - X());
    TLength vert = abs(point.Y() - Y());
    TLength dist = sqrt(pow(horiz, 2) + pow(vert,2)); 
    return dist;


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