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(discord.py) keyError: '钱包'

[英](discord.py) keyError: 'wallet'

async def balance(ctx):
    await open_account(ctx.author)
    user = ctx.author
    users = await get_bank_data()

    wallet_amt = users[str(user.id)]["wallet"]
    bank_amt = users[str(user.id)]["bank"]

    em = discord.Embed(title=f"{ctx.author.name}'s balance")
    em.add_field(name="Wallet", value = wallet_amt)
    em.add_field(name="Bank", value = bank_amt)
    await ctx.send(embed=em)

async def beg(ctx):
    await open_account(ctx.author)
    users = await get_bank_data()

    earnings = random.randrange(100)
    await ctx.send(f"someone gave you {earnings} coins.")

    users[str(user.id)]["wallet"] += earnings
    with open('mainbank.json',"w") as f:

async def open_account(user):
users = await get_bank_data()

if str(user.id) in users:
    return False

users[str(user.id)] = {"Wallet": 0, "Bank": 0}

with open('mainbank.json',"w") as f:
return True

async def get_bank_data():
    with open('mainbank.json', "r") as f:
        users = json.load(f)
    return users

它说关键文件“C:/Users/Admin/Desktop/bot/vibebot.py”,第 78 行,余额 wallet_amt = users[str(user.id)]["wallet"] KeyError: 'wallet'


这意味着“钱包”不是字典中的键,因此请确保您的 JSON 结构如此。

{“users”: {“wallet”: 9}}


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