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如何在流数据中将列表中的嵌套字典创建为 Pandas DataFrame 的复杂字典

[英]How to create a complex dictionary with nested dictionary in a list into Pandas DataFrame in streaming data

我正在尝试从这里的复杂字典中创建一个 dataframe 但我无法解决最后一列的值,如果你能指导我那就太好了!

代码 -

import pandas as pd
from pandas.io.json import json_normalize

stream= {
    "Outerclass": {
        "Main_ID": "1",
        "SetID": "1041",
        "Version": 2,
        "nestedData": {
            "time": ["5000", "6000", "7000"],
            "values": [{"intValue":1,"value":"intValue"}, {"floatValue":2.5,"value":"floatValue"}, {"stringValue":"abc","value":"stringValue"}]

    } }

s = json_normalize(stream['Outerclass'])
s = s.join(pd.concat([s.pop(x).explode()  for x in ['nestedData.time','nestedData.values']],axis=1))


Main_ID SetID   Version nestedData.time nestedData.values
1       1041    2       5000            1
1       1041    2       6000            2.5
1       1041    2       7000            abc

实际 Output -

Main_ID SetID   Version nestedData.time nestedData.values
1       1041    2       5000            {'intValue': 1, 'value': 'intValue'}
1       1041    2       6000            {'floatValue': 2.5, 'value': 'floatValue'}
1       1041    2       7000            {'stringValue': 'abc', 'value': 'stringValue'}

由于您想根据自定义逻辑(不一定是经典的 json 规范化)提取其中一些字段,这需要忽略第一个键子文本并基本上获取与不是value ,我建议如下:

# Almost same as before
s = pd.json_normalize(stream['Outerclass']) #pandas.io.json.json_normalize is actually deprecated
s = s.join(pd.concat(
           [s.pop(x).explode() for x in ['nestedData.time','nestedData.values']], axis=1)

def get_value(d):
    """ Extract value from any key that is not 'value' """
    k = [k for k in d.keys() if k != 'value'][0]
    return d.get(k)

s["Values"] = s["nestedData.values"].apply(get_value) # Or you can just replace it

生成的 dataframe 如下所示:

    Main_ID SetID   Version nestedData.time nestedData.values
0   1       1041    2       5000            1
1   1       1041    2       6000            2.5
2   1       1041    2       7000            abc

另外,请注意替代方案,仅使用 json 规范化:



    intValue    value       floatValue  stringValue
0   1.0     intValue    NaN         NaN
1   NaN     floatValue  2.5         NaN
2   NaN     stringValue NaN         abc


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