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[英]Python gambling dice game?

我是学习 Python 的新手,并且正在努力创建这个掷骰子赌博游戏。 我已经在它上面度过了愉快的一周,但仍然对无法使其正常/完全工作感到沮丧。 基本上我很难让它正确打印并继续询问用户的掷骰子猜测(2到12之间)。 我提前感谢任何人的帮助和建议!


def total_bank():
    bank = 500
    while bank > 0:
        print("You have ${bank} in your bank.")
        bet = int(input("Enter your bet: "))

当你调用这个函数时,它会告诉你你的银行有多少钱,一旦你输入你的赌注,它会再次这样做,因为银行仍然 >0。 所以,你只会被困在这个无限循环中。

此外,在这种情况下,您将需要大量global关键字。 虽然不建议使用它,但我认为在这种情况下很好。 您实际上并未更改银行金额 - 该bank变量是一个局部变量,这意味着您无法在total_bank函数之外访问它。 每次给bank打电话都得还钱。


def total_bank():
    bank = 500
    print(f"You have ${bank} in your bank.")
# you forgot to make in a f-string
    bet = int(input("Enter your bet: "))
    return bank

但是,它可能不适合您的目的。 例如,您可以查看限制赌注等。我只是在简化它。


def total_bank():
    bank = 500
    print(f"You have ${bank} in your bank.")
# you forgot to make in a f-string
    while bet <= 500: #whatever number is fine
        bet = int(input("Enter your bet: "))
    return bank, bet

bank, bet = total_bank()


'F' 字符串

F 字符串将花括号 {} 中的任何内容替换为表达式的值,例如函数的返回值或任何变量/值:

print(f"abc{1+2}") # output: abc3

在您的prog_info函数中,您的打印语句实际上并不需要 F-Strings 但是,诸如此类的行需要使用 F-Strings,因为您需要替换以下值:

print("You have ${bank} in your bank.")
print('Die Roll #1 was {roll}')


如果不满足任何条件,您可以使用 if 语句在里面实现 while True 循环以退出

bank = 500 # Initial Amount    

while True:
    # Ask user for their bet/guess
    print(f'You have ${bank} in your account')
    print(f'Choose a number between 2-12')
    guess = get_guess()
    if guess == 0:
        break  # This stops the loop
     # Roll Dice, Add/Subtract from their bank account, etc.
     # Check if their bank account is above 0 after potentially subtracting from their account
     if bank <= 0:
     print("Thanks for playing")  # Game has ended



import random

def rollDice():
    die1 = random.randint(1,6)
    die2 = random.randint(1,6)
    x = int(die1 + die2)
    print('Roll', x)
    return x

def prog_info():
    print("My Dice Game .v02")
    print("You have three rolls of the dice to match a number you select.")
    print("Good Luck!!")
    print(f'You will win 2 times your wager if you guess on the 1st roll.')
    print(f'You will win 1 1/2 times your wager if you guess on the 2nd roll.')
    print(f'You can win your wager if you guess on the 3rd roll.')

def total_bank(bank):
    bet = 0
    while bet <= 0 or bet > min([500,bank]):
        print(f"You have ${bank} in your bank.")
        a = input("Enter your bet (or Q to quit): ")
        if a == 'q': exit()
        bet = int(a)
    return bank,bet

def get_guess():
    guess = 0
    while (guess < 2 or guess > 12):
            guess = int(input("Choose a number between 2 and 12: "))
        except ValueError:
            guess = 0
        return guess

bank = 500

while True:
    bank,bet = total_bank(bank)
    guess = get_guess()

    if guess == rollDice():
        bank += bet
    elif guess == rollDice():
        bank += bet * .5
    elif guess == rollDice():
        bank = bank
        bank = bank - bet

    print(f'You have ${bank} in your bank.')
    print(f'Thanks for playing!\n')


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