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如何为 protobuf 中的可选消息字段赋值?

[英]How to assign values to an optional message field in protobuf?

我有以下 proto 文件

syntax = "proto3";
package my_proto;
message ID
   optional uint64 id_upper = 1;
   optional uint64 id_lower = 2;
message mymessage
   optional ID id = 1;


我尝试使用下面的 python 脚本为 ID 字段赋值

import my_proto_pb2

message = my_proto_pb2.mymessage()
id = message.id()
id.id_upper = 10
id.id_lower = 20


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "create_message.py", line 4, in <module>
    id = message.id()
TypeError: 'ID' object is not callable

我可以知道为什么它会抛出这个错误吗? 另外,如何为“可选”消息字段赋值?

尝试在此处删除括号: id = message.id()id = message.id


thisid = ID()
thisid.id_upper = 10
thisid.id_lower = 20
message = mymessage()
message.id = thisid


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