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将多个 function 应用于 pandas dataframe

[英]Applying more than one function to a pandas dataframe

我正在寻找一种方法来从我的原始数据中集成多个应用 function。 这是一些简化的代码。

import pandas as pd 

df = pd.DataFrame({'name':["alice","bob","charlene","alice","bob","charlene","alice","bob","charlene","edna" ],
                   'contribution': [5,5,10,20,30,1,5,5,10,100],
                   'payment-type': ["cash","transfer","cash","transfer","cash","transfer","cash","transfer","cash","transfer",]})
df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'])

def myfunction(input):
    output = input["name"].value_counts()
    output.index.set_names(['name_x'], inplace=True)
    return output

daily_count = df.groupby(pd.Grouper(key='date', freq='1D')).apply(myfunction)



        date    name_x  name
0 2020-01-01       bob     3
1 2020-01-01  charlene     2
2 2020-01-01     alice     2
3 2020-01-01      edna     1
4 2020-01-02  charlene     1
5 2020-01-02     alice     1

我想将此代码中的 output 集成到先前的结果中。

def myfunction(input):
    output = input["contribution"].sum()
    # output.index.set_names(['name_x'], inplace=True)
    return output
daily_count = df.groupby([pd.Grouper(key='date', freq='1D'), "name"]).apply(myfunction)


        date      name   num_contrubutions  total_pp
0 2020-01-01       bob                   3        25
1 2020-01-01  charlene                   2        40
2 2020-01-01     alice                   2        11
3 2020-01-01      edna                   1       100
4 2020-01-02  charlene                   1         5
5 2020-01-02     alice                   1        10

使用 apply() 对我来说很重要,因为我计划在函数中进行一些 API 调用和数据库查找。




     date       name    count   sum
1   2020-01-01  bob        3    40
0   2020-01-01  alice      2    25
2   2020-01-01  charlene   2    11
3   2020-01-01  edna       1    100
4   2020-01-02  alice      1    5
5   2020-01-02  charlene   1    10

所以首先,我们按日期和名称分组,然后我们 select 我们要应用聚合/计算的列,首先我们count每个人的贡献。 然后我们将它们sum 之后,为了保持正常dataframe的形状,我们reset_index并以descending方式对值by="count" sort_values

groupby-agg在这样的用例中非常强大,在这种用例中,将在单个 Groupby 中计算多个单列聚合函数。 语法非常灵活和直接,虽然不是最节省打字的。

限制:聚合函数不能将多于一列作为输入。 如果是这种情况,则必须回.apply()


def myfunc(sr):
    """Just a customized function for demo purpose"""
    # N.B. cannot write sr.sum() somehow
    return np.sum(sr) / (np.std(sr) + 1)

df_out = df.groupby([pd.Grouper(key='date', freq='D'), "name"]).agg({
    # column: [func1, func2, ...]
    "contribution": [np.size,  # accepts 1) a function
                     "sum",    # or 2) a built-in function name
                     myfunc    # or 3) an externally defined function
    "payment-type": [
        lambda sr: len(np.unique(sr))  # or 4) a lambda function

# postprocess columns and indexes
df_out.columns = ["num_contrubutions", "total_pp", "myfunc", "type_count"]


                                                     # extra demo columns
        date      name  num_contrubutions  total_pp      myfunc  type_count
0 2020-01-01     alice                  2        25    2.941176           2
1 2020-01-01       bob                  3        40    3.128639           2
2 2020-01-01  charlene                  2        11    2.000000           2
3 2020-01-01      edna                  1       100  100.000000           1
4 2020-01-02     alice                  1         5    5.000000           1
5 2020-01-02  charlene                  1        10   10.000000           1

有关更多可能性的广泛讨论(例如NamedAgg ),另请参阅这篇文章


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