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[英]How to check all files in the folder if modified this month?

我需要对我的代码实施一个条件,其中它检查所有文件是否在代码运行的同一个月被修改。 如何修改此代码以检查月份?

Sub LookForNew()
Dim n As String, msg As String, d As Date
msg = ""
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set fils = fso.GetFolder("C:\TestFolder").Files
For Each fil In fils
    n = fil.Name
    d = fil.DateCreated
    If d >= Date - 1 Then
        msg = msg & n & vbTab & d & vbCrLf
    End If
Next fil
If msg = "" Then
    MsgBox "No new files"
    MsgBox msg
End If
Set fso = Nothing
End Sub


Sub LookForNew()
 Dim FSO As Object, fils As Object, fil As Object, msg As String

 Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
 Set fils = FSO.GetFolder(ThisWorkbook.Path).Files
 For Each fil In fils
    If Month(fil.DateLastModified) = Month(Date) And _
            Year(fil.DateLastModified) = Year(Date) Then
        msg = msg & fil.Name & vbTab & _
                            fil.DateLastModified & vbCrLf
    End If
 Next fil
 If msg = "" Then
    MsgBox "No new files"
    MsgBox msg
 End If
 Set FSO = Nothing
End Sub

您要求“所有文件都在同一个月修改”并且您的代码检查创建日期。 我的,检查你问的...



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