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当我的机器人向用户发送 DM 时,我如何使用 discord.py(在 DM 内)获取下一条消息

[英]When my bot DMs a user, how do i get it's next message with discord.py (within DMs)

我正在研究一个机器人。 当你说r!report时,它会向用户发送 DM,逐一询问用户名、原因、附件等信息。

因此,当我的机器人向用户发送 DM 时,我如何获取用户在我的机器人的 DM 之后发送的下一条消息,并存储它,然后使用他们提供的所有信息创建一个嵌入? 我可以嵌入,但我似乎找不到检查消息的方法。

另外,如果您可以包括如何获取他们在 DM 中发送的 png/jpg 文件,我将如何存储它?



async def whatever(ctx):
    def check(message: discord.Message):
         """Checks if the channel where the message was sent is DM
         and if the author of the message is the same as the invoker of the command"""
         return isinstance(message.channel, discord.DMChannel) and message.author == ctx.author

    await ctx.author.send("Hello! Please reply to this message")
    message = await bot.wait_for("message", check=check) # You can also add a timeout, read the docs for it

    print(f"{ctx.author} replied: {message.content}")


channel = bot.get_channel(ID) # This is just for testing

# Looping through every attachment in the message
for attch in message.attachments:
    f = await attch.to_file() # Returns a `discord.File` instance, NOTE: this does NOT save the file, to save it use `Attachment.save`

    # Sending the file
    await channel.send(file=f)



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