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[英]Is there a way to save data from an array into a text file

我正在对 unity 和 c# 进行测验。 最后有一个带有切换问题和输入字段的调查,我正在使用 arrays 来保存调查中的数据。 有什么办法可以将我存储在数组中的任何内容放入文本文件中,以便以后打开它? 这是我的调查代码:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class UIScript07 : MonoBehaviour
    public GameObject[] questionGroupArr;
    public QAClass07[] qaArr;
    public GameObject AnwerPanel;
    void Start()
        qaArr = new QAClass07[questionGroupArr.Length];

    void Update()

    public void SubmitAnswer()
        for (int i = 0; i < qaArr.Length; i++)
           qaArr[i] = ReadQuestionAndAnswer(questionGroupArr[i]);
     QAClass07 ReadQuestionAndAnswer(GameObject questionGroup)
        QAClass07 result = new QAClass07();
        GameObject q = questionGroup.transform.Find("Question").gameObject;
        GameObject a = questionGroup.transform.Find("Answer").gameObject;

        result.Question = q.GetComponent<Text>().text;

        if (a.GetComponent<InputField>() != null)
           result.Answer = a.transform.Find("Text").GetComponent<Text>().text;
        else if (a.GetComponent<InputField>()== null)
            string s = "";
            int counter = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < a.transform.childCount; i++)
                if (a.transform.GetChild(i).GetComponent<Toggle>().isOn)
                    if (counter != 0)
                        s = s + ",";
                    s = s + a.transform.GetChild(i).Find("Label").GetComponent<Text>().text;

                if (i == a.transform.childCount - 1)
                    s = s + ".";
            result.Answer = s;

        return result;

    public class QAClass07
        public string Question = "";
        public string Answer = "";

您可以将阵列数据保存为 json object 并将其保存为文本文件。 如果您希望您的自定义类也保存到 json,您应该添加您已经添加的 **[System.Serializable]。 然后,为了保存任何序列化的 object,您可以创建一个序列化的 class,您可以添加每个变量。 这是示例工作流程。

public class SaveObject
    public GameObject[] questionGroup;
    public string playerName;
    public QAClass07[] qaArr;
    public GameObject AnswerPanel;

public class QAClass07
    public string Question = "";
    public string Answer = "";

public void Save()
    var saveObject = new SaveObject()
        AnswerPanel = GetAnswerPanel(),
        playerName = GetPlayerName(),
        qaArr = GetqaArr,
        questionGroup = GetquestionGroup

    string saveText = JsonUtility.ToJson(saveObject);
    File.WriteAllText(Application.persistentDataPath + "/SAVES/save.txt", saveText);

public void LoadQ()
    if (File.Exists(Application.persistentDataPath + "/SAVES/save.txt"))
        isLoading = true;
        string saveText = File.ReadAllText(Application.persistentDataPath + "/SAVES/save.txt");

        var saveObject = JsonUtility.FromJson<SaveObject>(saveText);

        // You can load back all objects from saveObject in same way. Load and Get methods are random. You get the point

有一个名为SaveObject的 class 的原因是将所有数据收集到一个 class 并保存到 json 并轻松从 Z466DEEC76ECDF5FCA54D4352 加载回来。


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