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[英]My little self made application closes instantly

我在 C++ 中写了这个小片段,如果我打开程序,它应该总结输入,然后应该打印“Press to finish”,打印后应用程序应该在用户输入“Enter”后关闭。 问题是在添加了添加的数字后它已经自行关闭了。

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int multi(int a, int b){
    return a * b;
int main(){
    printf("Programm started \n");
    int number1;
    int number2;
    int sum;
    printf("Type two numbers: \n");
    scanf("%d %d", &number1, &number2);
    sum = multi(number1,number2);
    printf("The solution is: %d \n", sum);
    printf("Press <Return> to finish \n");
   char c = getchar();
         return 0;

我没有看到您在等待用户按 Enter 键:

char c = getchar();  // get the next available character
                     // If there is one then take it
                     // This only waits if there is no input available.

// This does nothing.
// If the character is '\n' it returns 0
// but if it is not the '\n character then you immediately exit
// In C++ if main does not have a final return the compiler plants
// a return 0 autoamtically so it also returns zero.
     return 0;
// implied return 0 here


scanf("%d %d", &number1, &number2);

这会从输入中读取两个数字。 它不读取换行符。 这意味着您在输入 stream 上仍然有一个换行符,这就是最后的getchar()立即返回的原因。


scanf("%d %d\n", &number1, &number2);
 //         ^  Specifically read a newline here.
 // Be careful.
 // This is not a perfect solution. If there are any other characters
 // after your numbers this will fail (so you really should do some more
 // and better processing but this will resolve your immediate problem).
 // I would add a loop here (just after you read your numbers)
 // to read and discard any junk on this line (or read and error 
 // if there is junk but be OK if the only input is white space
 // terminated by a new line).

当您在 scanf("%d %d", &number1, &number2); 中按回车键时 getchar 将读取换行符,因此 (c=='\n') 为真。

您可以做的是忽略 scanf 留下的新行,如下所示:

char c = getchar();
if (c == '\n') c = getchar(); 
if (c == '\n')  {
     return 0;

如果将c的值打印为无符号 integer,


然后你会看到它已经有一个 10 的值,这是一个换行符。 getchar从标准输入返回下一个字符,这意味着您之前的scanf调用在输入 stream 上仍有换行符。

scanf("%d %d\n", &number1, &number2);


scanf仅从输入缓冲区中读取您的两个输入,并在您输入前两个数字并按 Enter 时离开 '\n',稍后由getchar()准备好。

要读取包含空格的行,不要使用 scanf("%s",....) 考虑 fgets()。

fgets(string, sizeof string, stdin);
// remove potential trailing \r\n as needed
string[strcspn(string, "\n")] = 0;

或者,您可以使用%*c 此处查看实时代码。

int main(){
    printf("Program started \n");
    int number1;
    int number2;
    int sum;
    printf("Type two numbers: \n");
    scanf("%d %d%*c", &number1, &number2);  // Add %*c here
    sum = multi(number1,number2);
    printf("The solution is: %d \n", sum);
    printf("Press <Return> to finish \n");
   char c = getchar();
   printf("c: %c", c);
         return 0;


如果您使用的是 i/o 流,那么这是可行的。


int main()
     int dummy = 0;
     std::cout << "Enter A number to exit" << std::endl;
     std::cin >> dummy;

    return 0;

保持 window 处于打开状态,直到您输入某些内容,任何事情都可以。


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