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C - 释放 memory 分配给 malloc

[英]C - Freeing memory allocated with malloc

我正在 C 中编程,并且有一个 function insert()分配 memory 和malloc() 这个 function 是从另一个名为SJF()的 function 调用的。 SJF() function 多次调用insert()

我想知道我应该在哪里以及如何free()这个 memory。 我不想每次都释放 memory ,所以在insert() function 中这样做是行不通的。 那么最好的办法是从 function 返回分配的 memory 然后以这种方式释放它?

void insertJob (struct node **head, int key, int data) {
    struct node * new_node = NULL;
    struct node * last = NULL;

    /*Create the new node*/
    new_node = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));

    if (new_node == NULL)
        printf("Failed to insert element. Out of memory");

    new_node->key = key;
    new_node->data = data;
    new_node->origBurst = data;
    new_node->next = NULL;

    /*No element in the linked list. So point head to the new node*/
    if( *head == NULL)
        *head = new_node;

    /*Traverse to the last node*/
    last = *head;
    while(last->next) last = last->next;

    /*Point last node's link (next pointer) to the new node*/
    last->next = new_node;


void sjf(int count, const int *submit, const int *burst) {

 int response = 0, wait = 0, turnaround = 0;
 struct node nd;
 nd.minJob = 0;

 // Create job index and clock
  int job = 0, clock = 0, i = 0;

  // Loop through all the jobs (SJF)
  while(job<count) {

          // Update clock as necessary
         if(clock < submit[job]) {
                 clock = submit[job];

        // Bubble up the shortest job in the ready queue

        // Prepare the ready Queue
        for(int j = i; j < count; j++) {
                if(submit[j] <= clock) {

                        insertJob(&head, submit[j],burst[j]);

        // Find shortest job from ready queue
         shortestJob(head, &nd);

         // Calculate the next event (job end)
          int nextevent = clock + nd.minData;

          // Calculate statistics
          int myresp = clock - nd.minJob;
          int myta = nextevent - nd.minJob;
          int mywait = myta - nd.minData;
          response += myresp;
          turnaround += myta;
          wait += mywait;

          // Set clock to the next event time
          clock = nextevent;

          // Increment job

          // Loop back to top

        removeJob(nd.minJob, nd.minData);

  printf("Shortest Job First Scheduler\n");
  printf("Resp: %.2f, Wait: %.2f, T/A: %.2f\n", (float) response / count,
                                                (float) wait / count,
                                                (float) turnaround / count);

 //possibly free() memory here


我想在你调用 printf 之前,你可以在完成使用后清除整个链接列表。 您必须释放列表中的整个节点而不仅仅是头,这意味着您必须对其进行迭代,将下一个节点的地址保存在临时变量中并释放当前节点,然后再将存储在 tmp 中的下一个节点分配回当前指针:

// [...] previous code

struct node *tmp;
struct node *ptr = *head;
while (ptr) {
    tmp = ptr->next
    ptr = tmp;

printf("Shortest Job First Scheduler\n");
  printf("Resp: %.2f, Wait: %.2f, T/A: %.2f\n", (float) response / count,
                                                (float) wait / count,
                                                (float) turnaround / count);

注意:您可以调用 function,您称之为“free_whole_list()”,它可能会更好,因为您可以将其用于其他项目。


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