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为什么我不能访问 hash 的 flash 的内容?

[英]Why can't I access contents of flash when it's a hash?

根据Flash 文档,我应该能够通过 Flash 传递字符串、arrays 或散列。 字符串和 arrays 工作正常,但哈希不起作用。


Flash 消息部分

# views/layouts/flash_messages.html.haml

- flash.each do |type, content|
  - message = content if content.class == String
  - message, detail = content if content.class == Array
  - message, detail = content[:message], content[:detail] if content.class == Hash
  - if message || detail
      %h3= message if message.present?
      %p= detail if detail.present?


class HomeController < ApplicationController
  def index

  def test_string
    redirect_to root_url, alert: 'Plain string works'

  def test_array
    redirect_to root_url, alert: ['Array works', 'Tested with 0, 1, 2 or more items without problems']

  def test_hash
    redirect_to root_url, alert: {message: 'Hash not working :(', detail: 'Even though I think it should'}

在 hash 的情况下,问题似乎出在分配行上,密钥存在,但methoddetail对于哈希值总是为零。 但是当我在控制台中尝试相同的代码时,它工作正常......


irb> content = { message: 'This hash works...', detail: '...as expected' }
=> {:message=>"This hash works...", :detail=>"...as expected"}
irb> message, detail = content[:message], content[:detail] if content.class == Hash
=> [ 'This hash works...', '...as expected' ]
irb> message
=> 'This hash works...'
irb> detail
=> '...as expected'


为了解决这个问题,我必须将 controller 的第 4 行从符号更改为字符串:

- message, detail = content[:message], content[:detail] if content.class == Hash
- message, detail = content['message'], content['detail'] if content.class == Hash

If I understand correctly , this is a result of flashes being stored in the session and the session object being stored in cookies as JSON objects. JSON 不支持符号化键。

作为一个实验,我尝试设置匹配的字符串和符号键。 如果您尝试在一个作业中同时执行这两项操作,Ruby 将采用第一个键和第二个值(带有警告):

irb> content = { message: 'Symbol key first', 'message': 'String key second' }
=> warning: key :message is duplicated and overwritten on line X
=> {:message=>"String key second"}

但是,如果您故意复制传递给 flash 的 hash 中的键,则无论最后定义的哪个“获胜”(在我有限的测试中,但考虑到哈希很可能以插入顺序迭代,这是有道理的):

symbol_first = {}
symbol_first[:message] = 'Symbol wins'
symbol_first['message'] = 'String wins'
flash[:alert] = symbol_first # 'String wins' is displayed

string_first = {}
string_first['message'] = 'String wins'
string_first[:message] = 'Symbol wins'
flash[:alert] = string_first # 'Symbol wins' is displayed


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