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[英]How to censor multiple words in a sentence with hyphen

我有一个 function 用连字符替换句子中的单个单词,它工作正常我试图添加的是让用户输入由空格分隔的多个单词,并且 function 审查它们。 有没有办法做到这一点? 我当前的代码附在下面。 任何帮助表示赞赏。 提前致谢。

def replaceWords(text, word):
    word_list = text.split()
    result = ''
    hyphen = '-' * len(word)

    count = 0

    index = 0;
    for i in word_list:
        if i == word:
            word_list[index] = hyphen
        index += 1
    result =' '.join(word_list)
    return result

def main():
    sentence = input(str("enter a sentence: "))
    words = input(str("enter words to censor(separated by space): "))
    print(replaceWords(sentence, words))

if __name__== '__main__':


def replaceWords(text, words):
    censored_words = words.split()
    replace_character = "-"
    for censor in censored_words:
        text = text.replace(censor,replace_character*len(censor))
    return text

def main():
    sentence = input(str("enter a sentence: "))
    words = input(str("enter words to censor(separated by space): "))
    print(replaceWords(sentence, words))

if __name__== '__main__':

你基本上已经有了正确的想法; 只需将word从单个字符串更改为字符串列表,然后使用in查看每个单词是否是该列表的一部分。

>>> from typing import List
>>> def censor_words(text: str, bad_words: List[str]) -> str:
...     return ' '.join(
...         '-' * len(word) if word in bad_words else word
...         for word in text.split()
...     )
>>> print(censor_words("frankly my dear I don't give a damn", ['dear', 'give']))
frankly my ---- I don't ---- a damn


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