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行为模拟场景大纲 output 与 execute_steps

[英]Behave mimic scenario outline output with execute_steps


在我公司,我们使用脚本来生成一系列 PDF 文件。 此脚本从 JSON 文件中获取它应该构建的 PDF。 我的任务是创建一个自动化测试,以便在 Jenkins 中运行构建(和脚本)时捕获丢失的文件。 我创建了一个加载 JSON 文件并使用该信息调用检查文件是否存在的步骤的测试。 我的问题是我想实际重现使用场景大纲时得到的行为,这不仅是为了测试一个值,而且是打印到 output 哪些文件已经过测试。 简而言之:我想要一个带有动态示例的场景大纲(不幸的是,链接的问题没有提供答案)。


Feature: Verify squared numbers

  Scenario Outline: Verify square for <number>
    Then the <number> squared is <result>

  | number | result |
  |   1    |    1   | 
  |   2    |    4   |
  |   3    |    9   |
  |   4    |   16   |


from behave import step

@step('the {number:d} squared is {result:d}')
def step_impl(context, number, result):
    assert number*number == result


Feature: Verify squared numbers # x.feature:1

  Scenario Outline: Verify square for 1 -- @1.1   # x.feature:8
    Then the 1 squared is 1                       # steps/x.py:10

  Scenario Outline: Verify square for 2 -- @1.2   # x.feature:9
    Then the 2 squared is 4                       # steps/x.py:10

  Scenario Outline: Verify square for 3 -- @1.3   # x.feature:10
    Then the 3 squared is 9                       # steps/x.py:10

  Scenario Outline: Verify square for 4 -- @1.4   # x.feature:11
    Then the 4 squared is 16                      # steps/x.py:10

  Scenario: Verify something              # x.feature:13
    Given I use the data from "data.json" # steps/x.py:5
    Then everything is allright           # steps/x.py:14

1 feature passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
5 scenarios passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
6 steps passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 0 undefined
Took 0m0.010s



Feature: Verify squared numbers

  Scenario: Verify something 
    Given I use the data from "data.json"
     Then everything is alright


from behave import step
import json

@step('I use the data from "{file}"')
def step_impl(context, file):
    with open(file) as json_file:
        context.json_data = json.load(json_file)

@step('the {number:d} squared is {result:d}')
def step_impl(context, number, result):
    assert number*number == result

@step('everything is alright')
def step_impl(context):
    for number, result in context.json_data.items():
        context.execute_steps(f'Then the {number} squared is {result}')


{"1": 1, "2": 4, "3": 9}


Feature: Verify squared numbers # x.feature:1

  Scenario: Verify something              # x.feature:3
    Given I use the data from "data.json" # steps/x.py:5
    Then everything is alright            # steps/x.py:14

1 feature passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
1 scenario passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
2 steps passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 0 undefined
Took 0m0.006s


我怎样才能获得与我在场景大纲中获得的类似的 output?


我认为目前不支持此功能。 有一些方法可以使用 jinja 模板自动生成场景大纲。 但是,我做了一些不同的事情来获得所有结果,而不是在第一次断言时失败 - 收集所有不正确的值,然后断言所有这些:

@step('everything is alright')
def step_impl(context):
    results = []
    for number, result in context.json_data.items():
        if int(number)*int(number) != result:
            results.append({"expected": int(number)*int(number), "actual": result})

    assert not results, f'Wrongly calculated values: {results}'


    Then everything is alright            # features/steps/all_steps.py:17 0.000s
      Assertion Failed: Wrongly calculated values: [{'expected': 9, 'actual': 8}, {'expected': 16, 'actual': 11}]


如果您只想在控制台中查看正在发生的事情 - 也许只是简单的日志记录:

logging.info(f'Then the {number} squared is {result}')

然后需要使用--no-logcapture参数运行行为。 也许,你已经尝试过了。 Output 将类似于:

  Scenario: Verify something              # features/square_numbers.feature:3
    Given I use the data from "data.json" # features/steps/all_steps.py:6 0.000s
    Then everything is alright            # features/steps/all_steps.py:17
INFO:root:Then the 1 squared is 1
INFO:root:Then the 2 squared is 4
INFO:root:Then the 3 squared is 8
    Then everything is alright     


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