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为什么我需要实现 MyTrait<t> 而不是 MyTrait<typea> 和我的特质<typeb> ?</typeb></typea></t>

[英]Why do I need to implement MyTrait<T> instead of MyTrait<TypeA> and MyTrait<TypeB>?

我编写了一个简单的 state 机器:

struct Response {}

struct PlayResponse(Response);
struct DescribeResponse(Response);
struct EventError;

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub(crate) struct RtspMachine {
    state: RtspState,

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
enum RtspState {

trait OnEvent<T> {
    fn on_event(
        &mut self,
        event: &T,
        rtsp_machine: &mut RtspMachine,
    ) -> std::result::Result<Self, ()>
        Self: Sized;

impl OnEvent<PlayResponse> for RtspState {
    fn on_event(
        &mut self,
        event: &PlayResponse,
        rtsp_machine: &mut RtspMachine,
    ) -> std::result::Result<Self, ()> {
        match self {
            RtspState::Init => Ok(RtspState::Ready),
            RtspState::Ready => Ok(RtspState::Ready),

impl OnEvent<DescribeResponse> for RtspState {
    fn on_event(
        &mut self,
        event: &DescribeResponse,
        rtsp_machine: &mut RtspMachine,
    ) -> std::result::Result<Self, ()> {
        match self {
            RtspState::Init => Ok(RtspState::Ready),
            RtspState::Ready => Ok(RtspState::Ready),

impl RtspMachine {
    pub fn begin() -> RtspMachine {
        RtspMachine {
            state: RtspState::Init,

    fn event<T>(&mut self, event: &T) -> std::result::Result<(), EventError> {
        match self.state.on_event(event, self) {
            Ok(_) => Ok(()),
            Err(()) => Err(EventError {}),


error[E0277]: the trait bound `RtspState: OnEvent<T>` is not satisfied
  --> src/lib.rs:62:26
62 |         match self.state.on_event(event, self) {
   |                          ^^^^^^^^ the trait `OnEvent<T>` is not implemented for `RtspState`

我有点明白为什么。 我需要做一个巨大的实现:

impl OnEvent<T> for RtspState {
    fn on_event(
        &mut self,
        event: &T,
        rtsp_machine: &mut RtspMachine,
    ) -> std::result::Result<Self, ()> {
        match self {
            RtspState::Init => Ok(RtspState::Ready),
            RtspState::Ready => Ok(RtspState::Ready),

但这会使实施规模太大。 我很高兴在T的不同情况下打破它。 为什么我不能在 Rust 中执行此操作? 还有其他方法吗?

如果我没记错的话,我可以在 C++ 中实现特定类型而不是泛型T

您收到此错误是因为就您的代码当前而言,Rust 不知道对 self.state.on_event 的调用是否对self.state.on_event中指示的任何类型T有效fn event<T>(&mut self, event: &T) -> std::result::Result<(), EventError> 对于所有 Rust 都知道,类型T可以是任何东西,而RtspState::on_event仅具有类型TPlayResponseDescribeResponse的实现。 实际上,编译器通过错误消息告诉您这一点, the trait bound `RtspState: OnEvent<T>` is not satisfied 您可以向 Rust 指示 function event仅在RtspState::on_eventT具有有效实现的情况下才有效,方法是在返回类型之后和左大括号之前添加where RtspState: OnEvent<T>

fn event<T>(&mut self, event: &T) -> std::result::Result<(), EventError>
    RtspState: OnEvent<T>,


编辑:请注意,playground 链接将无法编译,但除了一般错误之外,还有其他不同的原因。


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