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如何使用 Python 计算嵌套字典 in.json 文件中某个项目的出现次数(并可能迭代)?

[英]How can I count occurrence of an item in nested dictionaries in .json file using Python (and possibly iterate over)?

我正在尝试一段时间,但由于我仍然是一个初学者,所以我很难过。 我有一个带有 jsons 的文件,它们都具有以下结构:


第一个键(cds 和 cdna)每个都有大约 1000 多个值(基因,ENSLAFT+数字)。 我想计算所有“N”次出现(如果有些有 50 次,有些有 10 次,则将它们加在一起并有 60 次)。 collections Counter sum()len()或它们的某种组合以某种方式...? 以及如何使用具有相同结构的 jsons 为我的文件夹中的每个文件创建一个这样的循环? 这对我来说听起来很容易,但我没有太多经验,到目前为止,我只能使用 pandas DataFrame 或不那么复杂的数据来计算......


您可以使用 for 循环:

data = {"cds": {"ENSLAFT00000035968.1": {"A": 407, "C": 312, "G": 320, "T": 320, "Y": 0, "M": 0, "S": 0, "R": 0, "W": 0, "K": 0, "N": 0, "D": 0, "B": 0, "H": 0, "V": 0, "all": 1359}}, "cdna": {"ENSLAFT00000034174.1": {"A": 825, "C": 700, "G": 663, "T": 584, "Y": 0, "M": 0, "S": 0, "R": 0, "W": 0, "K": 0, "N": 0, "D": 0, "B": 0, "H": 0, "V": 0, "all": 2772}}}
counter = 0
for value in data.values():
    # key would be cds or cdna, value is the dict of genes
    for gene in value.values():
        # key would be ENSLAFT00000035968.1, ...
        if 'N' in gene:
            counter += gene['N']


counter = 0
for key, value in data.items():
    # key would be cds or cdna, value is the dict of genes
    if key == "cds":
        for gene in value.values():
            # key would be ENSLAFT00000035968.1, ...
            if 'N' in gene:
                counter += gene['N']

您可以通过蛮力寻找 go 在 JSON 的字符串版本中寻找正则表达式,例如

import json
import re

s = {"cds": {"ENSLAFT00000035968.1": {"A": 407, "C": 312, "G": 320, "T": 320, "Y": 0, "M": 0, "S": 0, "R": 0, "W": 0, "K": 0, "N": 0, "D": 0, "B": 0, "H": 0, "V": 0, "all": 1359}, "cdna": {"ENSLAFT00000034174.1": {"A": 825, "C": 700, "G": 663, "T": 584, "Y": 0, "M": 0, "S": 0, "R": 0, "W": 0, "K": 0, "N": 0, "D": 0, "B": 0, "H": 0, "V": 0, "all": 2772}}}}

s_str = json.dumps(s)
m = re.findall(r'"N":\s(\d+)', s_str)
print(m)  # prints ['0', '0']
print(len(m))  # prints 2

或者 go 是递归 function 的更清洁、更长的路线...

def rec_find(s, cur=0):
  if type(s) not in (dict, ):
    return 0
  resp = 0
  if "N" in s.keys():
    resp += 1
  for k in s.keys():
    resp += rec_find(s[k], resp)
  return resp

print(rec_find(s))  # prints 2


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