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SwiftUI:如何在 ContentView 中调用 function?

[英]SwiftUI: How to call a function in ContentView?

我正在尝试调用一个 function ,它接受一个值并输出一个字符串。 但是,内容视图中的代码一直给我这个错误:

类型“()”不能符合“StringProtocol”; 只有结构/枚举/类类型可以符合协议


import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    var co2 = 400
    var body: some View {
        Text(airQuality()) //where the error occurs, I'm trying to print the result here
            .font(.custom("Devanagari Sangam MN", size:50))
    //function I'm trying to call
    func airQuality(){
        if co2 > 1000 &&  co2 < 4000{
        else if co2 >= 4000 {
        else {

我该如何解决?? 太感谢了!


由于您没有更改值,因此最好使用 let,不需要 var 或 function。


struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var co2: Int = 400

    var body: some View {
        AirView(co2: co2).padding()
        Button("co2 = 400") { co2 = 400 }.padding()
        Button("co2 = 2000") { co2 = 2_000 }.padding()
        Button("co2 = 5000") { co2 = 5_000 }.padding()



struct AirView: View {

    let co2: Int
    private let airQuality: String
    init(co2: Int) {
        self.co2 = co2

        if (co2 > 1_000) && (co2 < 4_000) {
            self.airQuality = "Bad"
        else if (co2 >= 4_000) {
            self.airQuality = "Caution"
        else {
            self.airQuality = "Good"

    var body: some View {
        Text("co2 is: " + co2.description + " " + airQuality)




struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var co2: Int = 400

    var body: some View {
        Text("co2 is: " + co2.description + " " + co2Function(co2: co2)).padding()
        Button("co2 = 400") { co2 = 400 }.padding()
        Button("co2 = 2000") { co2 = 2_000 }.padding()
        Button("co2 = 5000") { co2 = 5_000 }.padding()

    func co2Function(co2: Int) -> String {

        if (co2 > 1_000) && (co2 < 4_000) {
            return "Bad"
        else if (co2 >= 4_000) {
            return "Caution"
        else {
            return "Good"



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