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Swift function 返回错误 output

[英]Swift function returning wrong output

我创建了一个 function 打印学生在哪里 - 课,长时间休息或短暂休息(以及哪个短暂休息)


    shortBreak - duration of short break
    longBreak - duration of long break
    lesson - after which lesson is long break
    time - the time where students are located

我测试 function 的参数是

   currently(shortBreak: 5, longBreak: 15, lesson: 3, time: "10:37)


  8:00 - 8:45 - lesson
  8:45 - 8:50 - short break
  8:50 - 9:35 - lesson
  9:35 - 9:40 - short break
  9:40 - 10:25 - lesson
  10:25 - 10:40 - long break (after 3.lesson is long break)

这意味着学生们目前正在长时间休息,但我的 output 说他们正在上课。



import UIKit

enum current {

case lesson
case shortBreak
case longBreak


func currently(shortBreak: Int, longBreak: Int, lesson: Int, time:String){

    var shortBreakCounter: Int = 0
    var currentLesson: Int = 1
    var currentHours: Int = 8
    var currentMinute: Int = 0
    var currentCase: current = .lesson

    let minute: Int = Int(time.suffix(2)) ?? 0
    let hour: Int = Int(time.prefix(2)) ?? 0

    if(checkValid(hour: hour, minute: minute)){
        print("Invalid time")

    else {
        while isInRange(hour: currentHours, minute: currentMinute) {
            currentCase = .lesson
            currentMinute += 45
            if currentMinute >= 60 {
                currentHours += 1
                currentMinute = 0
            if currentLesson == lesson {
                currentCase = .longBreak
                currentMinute += longBreak
                if currentMinute >= 60 {
                    currentHours += 1
                    currentMinute = 0
            } else{
                currentCase = .shortBreak
                currentMinute += shortBreak
                shortBreakCounter += 1
                if currentMinute >= 60 {
                    currentHours += 1
                    currentMinute = 0
            currentLesson += 1

        switch currentCase {
            case .shortBreak:
                print("Students are on \(shortBreakCounter) short break")
            case .longBreak:
                print("Students are on long break")
                print("Students are on lesson")


func checkValid(hour: Int, minute:Int) -> Bool {

    if hour >= 16 || hour < 8 {
        return true
    } else if minute > 59 || minute < 0 {
        return true

    return false


func isInRange(hour: Int, minute: Int) -> Bool{

    if 8..<16 ~= hour &&  0..<60 ~= minute  {
        return false


        return true


    currently(shortBreak: 5, longBreak: 15, lesson: 3, time: "10:37")
if currentMinute >= 60 {
    currentHours += 1
    currentMinute = 0

这是错误的,您应该将currentMinute设置为当前值 - 60。

想象一下,如果值为 75,则有 15 分钟过去了,因为您将其设置为 0。


if currentMinute >= 60 {
    currentHours += 1
    currentMinute = currentMinute - 60

如果 checkValid 为真,isInRange 总是返回假。 您总是得到默认的 currentCase(课程)。



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