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如何仅在下一行不匹配时打印行使用 sed 或 awk

[英]How to print lines only if next line is not matching using sed or awk

我在日志文件中有以下模式,其中“开始”在下一行以“结束”结束。 我希望仅在下一行模式与“结束”不匹配时才打印,即打印所有未结束的开始。

$ egrep AccountResource testlog.txt|egrep "Starts|Ends"
05:20:34.949 INFO  c.b.h.r.rest.Account - AccountResource for account:12345 - Starts
05:20:45.863 INFO  c.b.h.r.rest.Account - AccountResource () - Ends
05:20:46.274 INFO  c.b.h.r.rest.Account - AccountResource for account:12345 - Starts
05:20:46.360 INFO  c.b.h.r.rest.Account - AccountResource () - Ends
05:22:21.703 INFO  c.b.h.r.rest.Account - AccountResource for account:12345 - Starts
05:22:22.680 INFO  c.b.h.r.rest.Account - AccountResource for account:5678 - Starts
05:52:48.578 INFO  c.b.h.r.rest.Account - AccountResource for account:5678 - Starts
05:52:50.673 INFO  c.b.h.r.rest.Account - AccountResource () - Ends
05:52:50.937 INFO  c.b.h.r.rest.Account - AccountResource for account:12345 - Starts
05:52:50.977 INFO  c.b.h.r.rest.Account - AccountResource () - Ends
06:09:35.951 INFO  c.b.h.r.rest.Account - AccountResource for account:5678 - Starts
06:09:36.409 INFO  c.b.h.r.rest.Account - AccountResource () - Ends
06:09:36.690 INFO  c.b.h.r.rest.Account - AccountResource for account:5678 - Starts
06:09:36.720 INFO  c.b.h.r.rest.Account - AccountResource () - Ends

以下预计为 output

05:22:21.703 INFO  c.b.h.r.rest.Account - AccountResource for account:12345 - Starts
05:22:22.680 INFO  c.b.h.r.rest.Account - AccountResource for account:5678 - Starts


awk '!/AccountResource/{next} NR == nl && $NF!="Ends" {print p} $NF=="Starts" {p=$0; nl=NR+1}' testlog.txt

05:22:21.703 INFO  c.b.h.r.rest.Account - AccountResource for account:12345 - Starts
05:22:22.680 INFO  c.b.h.r.rest.Account - AccountResource for account:5678 - Starts


awk '
!/AccountResource/ {next}
NR == nl && $NF != "Ends" {print p}
$NF == "Starts" {
   p = $0
   nl = NR+1
}' testlog.txt

这可能对你有用(GNU sed):

sed 'N;/Starts\n.*Ends$/d;P;D' file


如果第一个以Starts结尾,第二个以Ends ,则删除两者。



awk '
!/AccountResource/{ next      }
  if(found && val){ print val }
'  Input_file


awk '                              ##Starting awk program from here.
!/AccountResource/{ next      }    ##If a line does not contain AccountResource move cursor to next line.
/AccountResource.*Starts$/{        ##Checking condition if line contains AccountResource and ends with Starts then do following.
  if(found && val){ print val }    ##If found and val both are SET then print val.
  found=1                          ##Setting found to 1 here.
  val=$0                           ##Setting val to current line here.
/AccountResource.*Ends$/{          ##Checking condition if line contains AccountResource and ends with Ends then do following.
  found=0                          ##Set found to 0 here.
  val=""                           ##Nullify val here.
'  Input_file                      ##Mentioning Input_file name here.


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