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[英]How to sync timestamped animation frames to audio file?

我有以下代码解析演示 SRT 文件并在适当的时间打印出文本,如下所示:

const { default: srtParser2 } = require('srt-parser-2')
const fs = require('fs')

const parser = new srtParser2()

const srtText = fs.readFileSync('ex.srt', 'utf-8')
const chunks = parser.fromSrt(srtText).map(simplify)


function animate(chunks) {
  chunks.forEach(({ startms, endms, text }) => {
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, startms)

function simplify({ startTime, endTime, text }) {
  let startms = toInterval(startTime)
  let endms = toInterval(endTime)
  return { startms, endms, text }

function toInterval(string) {
  const [a, ms] = string.split(',')
  const [h, m, s] = a.split(':')
  const H = parseInt(h, 10) * 1000 * 60 * 60
  const M = parseInt(m, 10) * 1000 * 60
  const S = parseInt(s, 10) * 1000
  const MS = parseInt(ms, 10)
  return H + M + S + MS

当没有关联的音频时,这工作正常。 但是我如何更正确地将其与浏览器中的音频文件相关联?


 animate([ { "startms": 50, "endms": 2000, "text": "- [Adam] Hello, my name is Adam Wilbert," }, { "startms": 2000, "endms": 3010, "text": "and I'd like to welcome you" }, { "startms": 3010, "endms": 5040, "text": "to Learning Relational Databases." }, { "startms": 5040, "endms": 7000, "text": "In this course, I'm going\\nto give you an overview" }, { "startms": 7000, "endms": 8090, "text": "of the planning steps that\\nyou should move through" }, { "startms": 8090, "endms": 11000, "text": "before you start development\\nin order to ensure" }, { "startms": 11000, "endms": 13020, "text": "that your system works as expected." }, { "startms": 13020, "endms": 15000, "text": "I'll start with an\\noverview of what exactly" }, { "startms": 15000, "endms": 17090, "text": "a relational database is and\\nhow its structure differs" }, { "startms": 17090, "endms": 18070, "text": "from the spreadsheets" }, { "startms": 18070, "endms": 20030, "text": "that you might be used to working with." }, { "startms": 20030, "endms": 22030, "text": "And I'll outline some of\\nthe hidden difficulties" }, { "startms": 22030, "endms": 24010, "text": "that can arise if the\\nstructure of your data" }, { "startms": 24010, "endms": 27020, "text": "isn't fully considered\\nbefore development begins." }, { "startms": 27020, "endms": 30000, "text": "Then we'll discover the\\ndatabase development lifecycle" }, { "startms": 30000, "endms": 32050, "text": "and use it as a guide for\\nmoving through the process" }, { "startms": 32050, "endms": 35040, "text": "of thinking about our\\nspecific data storage needs." }, { "startms": 35040, "endms": 36090, "text": "Finally, we'll talk about all of the rules" }, { "startms": 36090, "endms": 38060, "text": "that we've identified\\nabout how the database" }, { "startms": 38060, "endms": 40060, "text": "needs to function and\\nstart translating them" }, { "startms": 40060, "endms": 41090, "text": "into the components that will make up" }, { "startms": 41090, "endms": 44020, "text": "the actual relational database." }, { "startms": 44020, "endms": 46050, "text": "And along the way, we'll\\ndiscuss design considerations" }, { "startms": 46050, "endms": 48030, "text": "that'll make the database\\neasier to construct" }, { "startms": 48030, "endms": 50050, "text": "and easier to maintain." }, { "startms": 50050, "endms": 52000, "text": "So I'd like to thank you for joining me" }, { "startms": 52000, "endms": 53070, "text": "in learning relational databases." }, { "startms": 53070, "endms": 55040, "text": "Now let's get started." } ] ) function animate(chunks) { chunks.forEach(({ startms, endms, text }) => { setTimeout(() => { console.clear() console.log(text) }, startms) }) }

我所做的只是在大约什么时候显示文本。 但这就是问题所在,它是近似的 如果音频有任何滞后,那么一切都会被抛弃。

当相应的音频播放时,如何使文本正确地动画化? 说我只是这样做:

var audio = new Audio('audio_file.mp3')

如何将 SRT 与此类音频文件同步?

这不是那么简单,我可以直接将 SRT 文件硬编码或嵌入音频文件或显示字幕类型的东西。 我需要在文本上运行自定义动画,并允许用户在朗读文本时与文本进行交互。


 <!doctype html> <html lang='en'> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <style> html, body { margin: 0; padding: 0; height: 800px; width: 800px; } @font-face { font-family: Tone; src: url('font.otf'); } #content { display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; height: 100%; background-color: #000; } #row { font-size: 92px; font-family: Tone; width: 600px; text-align: center; } #row * { text-align: center; position: relative; color: #9A7FAE; } #row .highlight { color: #BEE5B0; } </style> </head> <body> <div id='content'><div id='row'><span>`ԀŰ ĀӢŀÐА ÐàӢðԀ ŰԀ 0ѰВÐàԀ$ àԀ`Őϰŀ`Őђŀ`Ӡ ѰŰ ÐƐВŰӠ!</span></div></div> <script> const TIMED = [ { "startms": 599, "endms": 2980, "text": "`ԀŰ ĀӢŀÐА ÐàӢðԀ ŰԀ 0ѰВÐàԀ$" }, { "startms": 2980, "endms": 4848, "text": "àԀ`Őϰŀ`Őђŀ`Ӡ ѰŰ ÐƐВŰӠ!" }, { "startms": 5563, "endms": 7932, "text": "Ѱŀ ŀВpϰŀ ŰϰӢİӠ pϲŰԀ ÐВààԀ" }, { "startms": 7932, "endms": 12480, "text": "pђŀÐѰ `ВŰŰԀ ŀԀÐϲàԀ ѰŰ 0ӠÐВàА 0ԀƠԀŰŰВŰӠ!" }, { "startms": 12480, "endms": 14974, "text": "PӠŀ ѰŰ ÐƐВŰӠ PӠ??Ѳ ðѰÐƐѲŀӠ$" }, { "startms": 14974, "endms": 16152, "text": "0ϲӠѰ ðА`ВàА$" }, { "startms": 16152, "endms": 17644, "text": "ÐӠPPԂàА$" }, { "startms": 17644, "endms": 18658, "text": "pѐŀÐѲàА!" }, { "startms": 19461, "endms": 23907, "text": "ŰԀ ÐϰԀ АŀѐƠ`ŐѲԀ ԂŰŰԀ 0ѰВÐàԀ Ѱŀ ÀàВÐÐԀ `ђðѰ ӠÀàѲàА!" }, { "startms": 23907, "endms": 25125, "text": "ŰԀ ĀӠŀÐԂŀƀԀ" }, { "startms": 25125, "endms": 27500, "text": "PӠŀpђàðԀ ŰԀ pϲԀ ÀӢàĀԀ$" }, { "startms": 27500, "endms": 30118, "text": "PӢĀА ϲŀԀ 0ԂŰŰԀ pАİàВÐԀ!" }, { "startms": 30448, "endms": 33103, "text": "ӠàԀ Ðϰ PӠŀÐàӢŰŰѰ ŰԀ 0ѰВÐàԀ$" }, { "startms": 33103, "endms": 34930, "text": "àАԀŰѲÐ??Ԁ$" }, { "startms": 34930, "endms": 36543, "text": "ӠppВàðԀ!" }, { "startms": 36543, "endms": 38522, "text": "0ӠàÐԂŀ`ӠÐѰ ŀАŰ ÐƐВŰӠ$" }, { "startms": 38522, "endms": 40656, "text": "ðђàpӠ ŰԀ İàԀŀ`ВÐ??Ԁ" }, { "startms": 40656, "endms": 42565, "text": "ŰԀ pÐàԂ`Ԁ ВàÐԀ!" }, { "startms": 42565, "endms": 45582, "text": "PӠpÐàϰѲƐѰ ÐƐѰӢ PА ðϲӠѰ$" }, { "startms": 45582, "endms": 47607, "text": "PӠ??Ѳ PА ѰŰ ĀӢŀ`Ӡ ðВ`Ԁ!" }, { "startms": 47607, "endms": 49113, "text": "Ӡ ŀВŰŰԀ ÐϲԀ ĀԂŀӠ$" }, { "startms": 49113, "endms": 51704, "text": "0ѐƠ pѰPϰàВÐ??Ԁ àѰpѰВ`Ԁ!" }, { "startms": 52817, "endms": 54553, "text": "ŰԀ 0ѰВÐàԀ Ѱ ŰԀ PѰԂðА$" }, { "startms": 54553, "endms": 56769, "text": "PА Ԃ0àА ӢİŀѰ PӢ??Ԁ!" } ] const TEXT = [ '`ԀŰ ĀӢŀÐА ÐàӢðԀ ŰԀ 0ѰВÐàԀ$ àԀ`Őϰŀ`Őђŀ`Ӡ ѰŰ ÐƐВŰӠ!', 'Ѱŀ ŀВpϰŀ ŰϰӢİӠ pϲŰԀ ÐВààԀ pђŀÐѰ `ВŰŰԀ ŀԀÐϲàԀ ѰŰ 0ӠÐВàА 0ԀƠԀŰŰВŰӠ!', 'PӠŀ ѰŰ ÐƐВŰӠ PӠ??Ѳ ðѰÐƐѲŀӠ$ 0ϲӠѰ ðА`ВàА$ ÐӠPPԂàА$ pѐŀÐѲàА!', 'ŰԀ ÐϰԀ АŀѐƠ`ŐѲԀ ԂŰŰԀ 0ѰВÐàԀ Ѱŀ ÀàВÐÐԀ `ђðѰ ӠÀàѲàА!', 'ŰԀ ĀӠŀÐԂŀƀԀ PӠŀpђàðԀ ŰԀ pϲԀ ÀӢàĀԀ$ PӢĀА ϲŀԀ 0ԂŰŰԀ pАİàВÐԀ!', '', 'ӠàԀ Ðϰ PӠŀÐàӢŰŰѰ ŰԀ 0ѰВÐàԀ$ àАԀŰѲÐ??Ԁ$ ӠppВàðԀ!', '0ӠàÐԂŀ`ӠÐѰ ŀАŰ ÐƐВŰӠ$ ðђàpӠ ŰԀ İàԀŀ`ВÐ??Ԁ ŰԀ pÐàԂ`Ԁ ВàÐԀ!', 'PӠpÐàϰѲƐѰ ÐƐѰӢ PА ðϲӠѰ$ PӠ??Ѳ PА ѰŰ ĀӢŀ`Ӡ ðВ`Ԁ!', 'Ӡ ŀВŰŰԀ ÐϲԀ ĀԂŀӠ$ 0ѐƠ pѰPϰàВÐ??Ԁ àѰpѰВ`Ԁ!', 'ŰԀ 0ѰВÐàԀ Ѱ ŰԀ PѰԂðА$ PА Ԃ0àА ӢİŀѰ PӢ??Ԁ!', ] window.addEventListener('click', start) function start() { const audio = new Audio('it.wav') audio.play() let start = Date.now() update() function update() { const now = Date.now() const elapsedTime = now - start const next = TIMED[0] if (next.startms <= elapsedTime) { TIMED.shift() show(next.text) } requestAnimationFrame(update) } function find(text) { for (let i = 0, n = TEXT.length; i < n; i++) { let line = TEXT[i] let index = line.indexOf(text) if (index > -1) { let left = line.substr(0, index) let center = line.substr(index, text.length) let right = line.substr(index + text.length) return { left, center, right, i } } } return {} } function show(text) { const { left, center, right, i } = find(text) if (!center) return const l = `<span>${left}</span>` const c = `<span class='highlight'>${center}</span>` const r = `<span>${right}</span>` let container = document.querySelector('#row') container.innerHTML = `${l}${c}${r}` } } </script> </body> </html>


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