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比较 Oracle DB 中两个表的相同多列

[英]Compare the same multiple columns of two table in Oracle DB

我有两个表表 1 和表 2,有共同的列(a、b、c 和 d)。 什么要求是我需要匹配所有这 4 列(所有 4 列都应该匹配)。 如果这些匹配,则作业将运行,否则作业将不运行。


首先,您应该指定您使用的数据库; PL/SQL 的意思是“Oracle”。


SQL> select * From table1;

         A          B          C          D
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
         1         10        100       1000
         2         20        200       2000

SQL> select * From table2;

         A          B          C          D
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
         1         10        100          1     --> column D is different
         2         20        200       2000

以下查询使用集合运算符并检查是否存在table1存在而table2不存在的任何行,反之亦然。 如果是这样,则意味着不相等并且查询不会返回任何行(因此您不会运行该“作业”)。

SQL> select dummy
  2  from dual
  3  where not exists ((select a, b, c, d from table1
  4                     minus
  5                     select a, b, c, d from table2
  6                    )
  7                    union all
  8                    (select a, b, c, d from table2
  9                     minus
 10                     select a, b, c, d from table1
 11                    )
 12                   );

no rows selected

好的; 现在让我们使表相等,然后再试一次:

SQL> update table2 set d = 1000 where a = 1;

1 row updated.

SQL> select * From table1;

         A          B          C          D
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
         1         10        100       1000
         2         20        200       2000

SQL> select * From table2;

         A          B          C          D
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
         1         10        100       1000      --> column D is now equal to table1's D column
         2         20        200       2000


SQL> select dummy
  2  from dual
  3  where not exists ((select a, b, c, d from table1
  4                     minus
  5                     select a, b, c, d from table2
  6                    )
  7                    union all
  8                    (select a, b, c, d from table2
  9                     minus
 10                     select a, b, c, d from table1
 11                    )
 12                   );

X          --> right; something is returned so - run the job!


由于这是一个 PL/SQL问题,只需将这样的查询放入一个过程中:

SQL> create or replace procedure p_run is
  2    l_dummy dual.dummy%type;
  3  begin
  4    select dummy
  5    into l_dummy
  6    from dual
  7    where not exists ((select a, b, c, d from table1
  8                       minus
  9                       select a, b, c, d from table2
 10                      )
 11                      union all
 12                      (select a, b, c, d from table2
 13                       minus
 14                       select a, b, c, d from table1
 15                      )
 16                     );
 17    dbms_output.put_line('Run the job!');
 18  exception
 19    when no_data_found then
 20      dbms_output.put_line('Do nothing; tables aren''t equal');
 21  end;
 22  /

Procedure created.


SQL> rollback;

Rollback complete.    

SQL> exec p_run;

Do nothing; tables aren't equal

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> -- let's make columns D equal as well
SQL> update table2 set d = 1000 where a = 1;

1 row updated.

SQL> exec p_run;
Run the job!

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.



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