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linux 目录权限检查和/或目录是否存在

[英]linux directory permission check and/or dir exist or not

我有一个脚本,它在 linux 上作为 ROOT 运行,收集来自不同用户的数据。 为每个单独的用户提供一个 nfs 路径 1) 验证导演不存在 2) 验证权限被拒绝

verify_model_path_not_found = '/usr/bin/su ' + userID + ' -c \'/usr/bin/ls ' +  u_model_path + '  | /usr/bin/grep \"Permission denied\|No such file or directory\"\''
perm_denied_str = 'Permission denied'
no_file_dir_str =  'No such file or directory'

print("verify_model_path_not_found:", verify_model_path_not_found)

#Run as a root
    verify_cmd_out = subprocess.check_output(verify_model_path_not_found, shell=True) 
    verify_cmd_out = str(verify_cmd_out)
    print("verify_cmd_out:", verify_cmd_out, "\n")

except subprocess.CalledProcessError as errorcatch:
    print(datetime.datetime.now(), " Error while executing ", verify_model_path_not_found)
    print("error code", errorcatch.returncode, errorcatch.output, "\n")

#only add items that are not accessible (perm denied or no file found)
if  ((perm_denied_str in verify_cmd_out) or (no_file_dir_str in verify_cmd_out)):
    #remaining actions .... send an email to the user ...


verify_model_path_not_found: /usr/bin/su xxxx  -c '/usr/bin/ls /nfs/x/y/z  | /usr/bin/grep "Permission denied\|No such file or directory"'
2021-08-10 17:00:31.827186  Error while executing  /usr/bin/su xxxx -c '/usr/bin/ls /nfs/x/y/z | /usr/bin/grep "Permission denied\|No such file or directory"'
error code 1 b''  #I know this dir does not exist or perm denied - still getting error 



一旦为用户确认 perm 被拒绝或没有此类文件,则需要执行某些操作。
/usr/bin/su xxxx -c ... 命令工作不正常,有什么想法或想法如何解决这个问题?

您正在检查标准输出(文件描述符 1),但错误消息(以及一般的进度和诊断)发布在标准错误(文件描述符 2)上。

无论如何,您的代码非常笨拙。 可能尝试一些类似的东西

import subprocess

def assert_error_stderr(cmd, expected_stderr):
    Accept a shell command; verify that it fails with error,
    and emits the expected message on standard error.
        result = subprocess.run(cmd, check=True, text=True, capture_output=True)
        raise ValueError("%r did not raise an error" % cmd)
    except CalledProcessError:
        assert expected_stderr in result.stderr

def assert_silent_failure(cmd):
    Check that a command fails; verify that standard error is empty
        result = subprocess.run(cmd, check=True, text=True, capture_output=True)
    except CalledProcessError:
        assert result.stderr == ''
    raise ValueError("%r did not fail", cmd)

assert_silent_failure(['su', '-c' 'test -d ' + u_model_path])

但是当然,当您从根本上想要测试 shell 时使用 Python 可能没有多大意义。

! test -d "$1"


此外,在 Python subprocess代码中,尽可能避免shell=True 另请参阅子进程中shell=True实际含义


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