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如何从谷歌数据流 apache 光束 python 中的 GCS 存储桶中读取多个 JSON 文件

[英]How to read multiple JSON files from GCS bucket in google dataflow apache beam python

我在 GCS 中有一个包含 JSON 文件列表的存储桶。 我来使用提取文件名列表

def list_blobs(bucket_name):

    storage_client = storage.Client()

    blobs = storage_client.list_blobs(bucket_name)
    json_paths = []
    for blob in blobs:
    return json_paths

现在我想将此文件名列表传递给 apache 光束以读取它们。 我写了这段代码,但它似乎不是一个好的模式

for i,file in enumerate(list_files):
        print("parsing file:", file)
        concat_data = (p |'Data {}'.format(i) >> ReadFromText(file)


最后我开始使用谷歌云存储作为阅读 API 为此。


def list_blobs(bucket_name):
"""Lists all the blobs in the bucket."""

storage_client = storage.Client()
blobs = storage_client.list_blobs(bucket_name)
json_paths = []
for blob in blobs:
return json_paths

我创建了这个 ParDo 来阅读内容

class ReadFileContent(beam.DoFn):

def setup(self):
    # Called whenever the DoFn instance is deserialized on the worker.
    # This means it can be called more than once per worker because multiple instances of a given DoFn subclass may be created (e.g., due to parallelization, or due to garbage collection after a period of disuse).
    # This is a good place to connect to database instances, open network connections or other resources.
    self.storage_client = storage.Client()

def process(self, file_name, bucket_name):
    bucket = self.storage_client.get_bucket(bucket_name)
    blob = bucket.get_blob(file_name)
    yield blob.download_as_string()

mu 管道看起来像这样:

list_files = list_blobs(bucket_name)

with beam.Pipeline(options=pipeline_options) as p:

    results = (
        p | 'Create' >> beam.Create(list_files)
          | 'Read each file content' >> beam.ParDo(ReadFileContent(), bucket_name)
          | 'next transformation' >> ...

看看这个链接。 ReadFromText 是一个有助于读取文本文件的 PTransform。 另一方面, ReadAllFromText是一个读取PCollection文本文件的 PTransform。 读取文本文件或文件模式的 PCollection 并生成字符串的 PCollection。

如果您要处理的 JSON 很少,这是另一个更优化的答案。 您可以使用带有路径模式的ReadFromText转换:

(p | 'Read content' >> ReadFromText('gs://bucket/folder/*')
   | 'String to JSON' >> beam.Map(lambda k: json.loads(k))


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