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如何在 iOS 应用程序中将文件上传到 Firebase (Swift)

[英]How to upload a file to Firebase in an iOS app (Swift)

我使用这个答案https://stackoverflow.com/a/64168754/16212254作为参考,允许用户选择一个文件,但现在我不知道如何将文件上传到 Firebase。我是 Swift 的新手,拜托别介意我的愚蠢问题。

我试图按照https://firebase.google.com/docs/firestore/quickstart#ioshttps://firebase.google.com/docs/storage/ios/upload-files但仍然无法弄清楚如何发送将文件发送到 firebase,因为我不知道附件的名称和路径。

您过去能够选择文件的答案工作正常,但没有在didFinishPickingMediaWithInfodidPickDocumentsAt函数的 scope 之外提供对所选图像或文件的引用。


  • 创建Data? 在你的 ViewController 中。

    var myData: Data?

  • 如果您正在处理图像,在didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo function 中,将所选图像的 png 数据保存在新创建的变量中(其中 scope 不限于函数本身)。 如果您改为处理文件,请在didPickDocumentAt function 中执行基本相同的操作。

// Image
if let pickedImage = info[UIImagePickerController.InfoKey.originalImage] as? UIImage {
    // The following 2 lines don't actually do anything: the selectedImageData dictionary
    // ceases existing as soon as the functions ends
    // selectedImageData["filename"] = fileUrl.lastPathComponent
    // selectedImageData["data"] = pickedImage.pngData()?.base64EncodedString(options: .lineLength64Characters)

    self.myData = pickedImage.pngData()

// File
do {
    let fileData = try Data.init(contentsOf: file.absoluteURL)
    // The following 2 lines don't actually do anything: the selectedFileData dictionary
    // ceases existing as soon as the functions ends
    // selectedFileData["filename"] = file.lastPathComponent
    // selectedFileData["data"] = fileData.base64EncodedString(options: .lineLength64Characters)

    self.myData = fileData
} catch {
    // ...

然后,要将数据上传到 Firebase Storage,可以使用以下 function:

import FirebaseStorage // At the beginning of the file

// Uploads the selected image/file data there is any.
func uploadSavedData() {
    guard let data = myData else { return } // Checks whether there is actual data to upload.

    let storageRef = Storage.storage().reference()
    let fileRef = storageRef.child("userUID/files/documentName.png")

    let uploadTask = fileRef.putData(data, metadata: nil) { (metadata, error) in 
        guard let metadata = metadata else { return } // Cancels task if there is any error
        fileRef.downloadURL { (url, error) in {
            guard let downloadURL = url else { return }
            print(downloadURL) // Prints the URL to the newly uploaded data.



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