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[英]How do I print a sum of numbers after a string in python?


print("Your answer is correct, this is your score:" + score=score+1)

您可以使用 f 字符串,但您还应该在打印之前设置score的值,以便更清楚发生了什么:

score += 1
print(f"Your answer is correct, this is your score: {score}")

您可以按照自己的方式进行操作,但必须先将score转换为字符串,然后才能将其(通过+ )连接到另一个字符串:

score += 1
print("Your answer is correct, this is your score: " + str(score))

另一种方法是将score作为参数添加到print 在这种情况下,您不必将其转换为字符串:

score += 1
print("Your answer is correct, this is your score: ", score)

打印将分数加 1。

您还需要将分数转换为字符串,然后才能连接它。 或者您可以使用字符串格式,这更简单。

score += 1
print(f"Your answer is correct, this is your score: {score}"

如果使用 f 字符串,则可以在格式中添加操作:

print(f"Your answer is correct, this is your score: {score+1}")


>>> score = 10 #you do your calculation first
>>> print("Your answer is correct, this is your score:", score)#print can take any number of arguments
Your answer is correct, this is your score: 10
>>> print("Your answer is correct, this is your score: " + str(score))#make it a string first and concatenate it
Your answer is correct, this is your score: 10
>>> print(f"Your answer is correct, this is your score: {score}")#use f-string
Your answer is correct, this is your score: 10

也有 2 或 3 种其他方法来制作字符串,但我推荐第一个和第三个示例,特别是 f-string,它们很棒。

此外,在 python 3.8 中,他们引入了赋值表达式:= ,因此您也可以像最初尝试的那样进行操作,只需进行一些调整...

>>> score=10 
>>> print("Your answer is correct, this is your score:", (score:=score+1))
Your answer is correct, this is your score: 11
>>> score


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