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[英]SwiftUI: Action not triggering with toggle

我正在尝试使用切换开关触发操作。 在这种情况下,单击切换按钮后,控制台上不会显示打印消息“值确实发生了变化”。

这是针对 macOS 10.15 应用程序的,.onChange 将不起作用。

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var isToggle : Bool = false {
            didSet {
                print("value did change")

    var body: some View {
        Toggle(isOn: self.$isToggle){
                    Text("Toggle Label ")


@State private var isToggle : Bool = false

var body: some View {
    Toggle(isOn: self.$isToggle){
         Text("Toggle Label ")
     .onChange(of: isToggle) { _ in
         print("value did change")   // << here !!

我将无耻地窃取@Asperi 答案的第一部分,但第二部分是我的......

@State private var isToggle : Bool = false

var body: some View {
    Toggle(isOn: self.$isToggle.onUpdate({
        print("value did change")   // << here !!
        Text("Toggle Label ")

extension Binding {
    /// Adds a modifier for this Binding that fires an action when a specific
    /// value changes.
    /// You can use `onUpdate` to trigger a side effect as the result of a
    /// `Binding` value changing.
    /// `onUpdate` is called on the main thread. Avoid performing long-running
    /// tasks on the main thread. If you need to perform a long-running task in
    /// response to `value` changing, you should dispatch to a background queue.
    /// The new value is NOT passed into the closure.
    ///     struct PlayerView: View {
    ///         var episode: Episode
    ///         @State private var playState: PlayState = .paused
    ///         var body: some View {
    ///             VStack {
    ///                 Text(episode.title)
    ///                 Text(episode.showTitle)
    ///                 PlayButton(playState: $playState.updated {
    ///                     model.playStateDidChange.update()
    ///                 })
    ///             }
    ///         }
    ///     }
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - action: A closure to run when the value changes.
    /// - Returns: A new binding value.

    func onUpdate(_ action: @escaping () -> Void) -> Binding<Value> {
        Binding(get: {
        }, set: { newValue in
            wrappedValue = newValue

extension Binding {

    /// Adds a modifier for this Binding that fires an action when a specific
    /// value changes.
    /// You can use `updated` to trigger a side effect as the result of a
    /// `Binding` value changing.
    /// `updated` is called on the main thread. Avoid performing long-running
    /// tasks on the main thread. If you need to perform a long-running task in
    /// response to `value` changing, you should dispatch to a background queue.
    /// The new value is passed into the closure.
    ///     struct PlayerView: View {
    ///         var episode: Episode
    ///         @State private var playState: PlayState = .paused
    ///         var body: some View {
    ///             VStack {
    ///                 Text(episode.title)
    ///                 Text(episode.showTitle)
    ///                 PlayButton(playState: $playState.updated { newState in
    ///                     model.playStateDidChange(newState)
    ///                 })
    ///             }
    ///         }
    ///     }
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - action: A closure to run when the value changes.
    /// - Returns: A new binding value.
    func updated(_ action: @escaping (_ value: Value) -> Void) -> Binding<Value> {
        Binding(get: {
        }, set: { newValue in
            wrappedValue = newValue

iOS 13 有两个绑定扩展可以使用,watchOS 6 和 macOS 10。第一个.onUpdate()在绑定值更改时触发,但不会让您访问旧值或新值。 它只是为了副作用。 我在上面使用这个只是因为print()不需要任何其他值。

如果您需要在闭包中使用 newValue,请使用.updated 它的工作原理与.onChange(of:)非常相似,只是它修改了 Binding 并且不允许您访问旧值。


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