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[英]How can I write a code that will return the answers from a dictionary?

所以我制作了两个单独的字典, rdict(recipes)包含食谱,而totalcal(data)包含每种成分的卡路里。 我了解到在这个任务中使用字典会很有帮助,所以在许多 StackOverflow 用户的帮助下,我制定了这样的代码......

def rdict(recipes):
    d = dict()
    for r in recipes:
        i = dict()
        r_ = r.split(':')
        for c_ in r_[1].split(','):
            i_ = c_.split('*')
            i[i_[0].strip()] = int(i_[1])
        d[r_[0]] = i
    return d
def totalcal(data):
    calorie_dict = {}
    for el in data:
      food, values = el.split(':')
      a, b, c = values.split(',')
      calories = (int(a) * 5) + (int(b) * 5) + (int(c) * 9)
      calorie_dict[food] = calories
    return calorie_dict

所以,现在我想创建一个新的 function gathercal(recipes, data)它将返回消耗的总卡路里。

例如,在gathercal(recipes, data)中,如果

recipes = [[
    "Pork Stew:Cabbage*5,Carrot*1,Fatty Pork*10",
    "Green Salad1:Cabbage*10,Carrot*2,Pineapple*5",
    "T-Bone:Carrot*2,Steak Meat*1"

data = [
   'Cabbage': 30, 
   'Carrot': 95, 
   'Fatty Pork': 2205, 
   'Pineapple': 40, 
   'Steak Meat': 215, 
   'Rabbit Meat': 225

output 必须通过此 go

   "Pork Stew" : {(30 * 5)+(95 * 1)+(2205 * 10) = 22,295}, 
   "Green Salad1" : {(30 * 10)+(95 * 2)+(40 * 5) = 690}, 
   "T-bone" : {(95 * 2)+(215 * 1) = 405}

所以 output 应该将此作为字典返回...

["Pork Stew":{22,295}, "Green Salad1": {690}, "T-bone" : {405}]


在不使用 import、collections.iter 或类似 lamda 的情况下编写此代码的最简单方法是什么?


拆分食谱与您的版本相似,但我使用的名称意味着某些东西 - 因此阅读代码更简单。


recipes = [
    "Pork Stew:Cabbage*5,Carrot*1,Fatty Pork*10",
    "Green Salad1:Cabbage*10,Carrot*2,Pineapple*5",
    "T-Bone:Carrot*2,Steak Meat*1"

data = {
   'Cabbage': 30, 
   'Carrot': 95, 
   'Fatty Pork': 2205, 
   'Pineapple': 40, 
   'Steak Meat': 215, 
   'Rabbit Meat': 225

# --- split recipes ---

recipes_splitted = {}

for r in recipes:

    recipe_name, parts = r.split(":")
    recipe_parts = {}

    for part in parts.split(','):
        product, number = part.split('*')
        recipe_parts[product] = int(number)

    recipes_splitted[recipe_name] = recipe_parts
# --- display recipes_splitted ---

print('\n--- recipes_splitted ---\n')        
#for recipe_name, recipe_parts in recipes_splitted.items():    
for recipe_name in recipes_splitted:    
    recipe_parts = recipes_splitted[recipe_name]
    print(recipe_name, recipe_parts)

# --- calculate calories ---

print('\n--- calculate calories ---\n')

recipes_calories = {}   
#for recipe_name, recipe_parts in recipes_splitted.items():
for recipe_name in recipes_splitted:
    recipe_parts = recipes_splitted[recipe_name]

    print('---', recipe_name, '---')
    calories = 0

    #for product, number in recipe_parts.items():
    for product in recipe_parts:
        number = recipe_parts[product]
        print(product, ':', number)
        calories += number * data[product]

    print('>>> calories =', calories)
    recipes_calories[recipe_name] = calories

# --- display recipes_calories---

print('\n--- recipes_calories ---\n')        

#for recipe_name, calories in recipes_calories.items():    
for recipe_name in recipes_calories:    
    calories = recipes_calories[recipe_name]    
    print(recipe_name, ":", calories)


--- recipes_splitted ---

Pork Stew {'Cabbage': 5, 'Carrot': 1, 'Fatty Pork': 10}
Green Salad1 {'Cabbage': 10, 'Carrot': 2, 'Pineapple': 5}
T-Bone {'Carrot': 2, 'Steak Meat': 1}

--- calculate calories ---

--- Pork Stew ---
Cabbage : 5
Carrot : 1
Fatty Pork : 10
>>> calories = 22295
--- Green Salad1 ---
Cabbage : 10
Carrot : 2
Pineapple : 5
>>> calories = 690
--- T-Bone ---
Carrot : 2
Steak Meat : 1
>>> calories = 405

{'Pork Stew': 22295, 'Green Salad1': 690, 'T-Bone': 405}

--- recipes_calories ---

Pork Stew : 22295
Green Salad1 : 690
T-Bone : 405


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