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Python:确保 class 属性不在常见 inheritance 树之间共享

[英]Python: ensure class attributes are not shared between common inheritance trees

我感觉我在某处看到过这个,但我不再确定这是重建的 memory 还是真的存在。 在任何情况下,我都找不到这种情况的参考:

class A:
    a = 1

class B(A):  # should have it's own class attribute 'a'

class C(A):  # should have it's own class attribute 'a' and newly defined 'c'
    c = 3

在上面的例子中, Aa is Ba is C.a 但是,我实际上希望它们在保持这种结构的同时分开。 这是有充分理由的,我不想讨论实例变量。 原因是在我的应用程序中,所有这些类都用作“命名空间”。 为了解决“问题”,我将A继承的部分替换为自身的副本(伪代码):

class A:
    a = 1

class B(A):  # B.a resolves to A.a

class C(A):  # C.a resolves to A.a
    c = 3

copy_func(B.A, A)  # investigates public attrs of A and B and create copies, now B.a is not A.a
copy_func(C.A, A)  # investigates public attrs of A and B and create copies, now C.a is not A.a


import copy

class A:
    a = []

    def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):
        for base in cls.mro():
            for attr in base.__dict__:
                if attr not in cls.__dict__ and not attr.startswith("_"):
                    setattr(cls, attr, copy.copy(getattr(cls, attr)))

这将从不以_开头的超类命名空间中复制所有内容。 在实践中,人们可能希望应用更严格的规则。

__init_subclass__在定义子类时自动运行。 这意味着子类无需显式运行代码即可获得复制的属性。

class B(A):

class C(A):
    c = 3

assert B.a is not A.a
assert C.a is not A.a


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