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如何在 FastAPI 中测试 @app.on_event("shutdown")?

[英]How to test @app.on_event("shutdown") in FastAPI?

我有一个简单的 FastAPI 设置,如下所示,

# main.py

from fastapi import FastAPI

app = FastAPI()

@app.on_event("shutdown") def app_shutdown(): with open("shutdown-test-file.txt", "w") as fp: fp.write("FastAPI app has been terminated")

def root():
    return {"message": "Hello World"}



  • 这篇 SO 帖子也提出了类似的问题,但不是在“测试环境”中
  • 官方文档有类似的东西,但是没有on_event("shutdown")的例子

根据文档,您需要将其包装在上下文管理器( with语句)中以触发事件,如下所示:

def test_read_items():
    with TestClient(app) as client:
        response = client.get("/items/foo")
        assert response.status_code == 200

如果您使用pytest ,您可以为它设置一个夹具,如下所示:

from main import app
from fastapi.testclient import TestClient

import pytest

def client():
    with TestClient(app) as c:
        yield c

def test_read_main(client):
    response = client.get("/")
    assert response.status_code == 200


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