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计算 pandas 列中单词的频率并计算另一列

[英]Counting the frequency of words in a pandas column and counting another column


注释 Label
我爱我的队友 积极的
我们需要更高的薪水 建议
我讨厌我的老板 消极的

我想得到一个 output 像

单词 数数 积极的 消极的 建议
2 1 1 0
我的 2 1 1 0
队友 1 1 0 0
1 1 0 0
我们 1 0 0 1
需要 1 0 0 1
更高 1 0 0 1
支付 1 0 0 1
1 0 1 0
老板 1 0 1 0



但我无法获得 label 计数。 任何帮助将不胜感激!


out = (
    df.assign(Word=lambda df: df.Comments.str.split())   # Create a column 'World' with the list of words 
      .explode('Word')  # explode the list of words into new rows 
      .pipe(lambda df: pd.crosstab(df.Word, df.Label)) # cross table/ pivot table between 'Word' and 'Label' columns
      .assign(Count=lambda df: df.sum(axis=1))   # Count the column's total
      .reset_index()  # 'Word' index to column
      .rename_axis(columns=None) # remove the name ('Label') of the columns axis


>>> out 

        Word  Negative  Positive  Suggestions  Count
0          I         1         1            0      2
1  Teammates         0         1            0      1
2         We         0         0            1      1
3       boss         1         0            0      1
4       hate         1         0            0      1
5     higher         0         0            1      1
6       love         0         1            0      1
7         my         1         1            0      2
8       need         0         0            1      1
9        pay         0         0            1      1


out = (
    df['Comments'].str.split().explode().to_frame('Word').join(df['Label']).assign(value=1) \
                  .pivot_table('value', 'Word', 'Label', aggfunc='count', fill_value=0) \
                  .assign(Count=lambda x: x.sum(axis=1))


>>> out
Label      Negative  Positive  Suggestions  Count
I                 1         1            0      2
Teammates         0         1            0      1
We                0         0            1      1
boss              1         0            0      1
hate              1         0            0      1
higher            0         0            1      1
love              0         1            0      1
my                1         1            0      2
need              0         0            1      1
pay               0         0            1      1


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