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我们需要编写一个程序,要求用户输入多个数字并以 -1 结束 while 循环。然后计算出所提供数字的平均值

[英]we need to write a prorgam that asks a user to enter multiple numbers and ends the while loop with -1.then work out the average of numbers provided

我们的任务是在 python 中编写一个程序,要求用户输入多个数字。 主题是while循环,所以我们只能使用while循环和if语句。 当用户想停止输入数字时,用户需要输入'-1'。 一旦完成,程序必须返回用户输入的数字的平均值。

这是我到目前为止所拥有的:#task 13-while.py

 #first the program will explain to the user that the user can keep
#entering numbers until -1 occurs.

  num = int(input('''please enter any number of your choice\n
  please enter -1 to stop entry and run program'''))

num_count = 0
while num > -1:
num_count = num_count + 1
average = sum(num)/num_count

if num == -1:
print("the average of the numbers you have entered is"+ average)

对 python 非常缺乏经验,我们将不胜感激。

您需要将输入放入 while 中,然后仅在循环结束时计算平均值

num = int(input("enter numbers and then -1 to stop: "))
num_count = 1
sum = num
while num!=-1:
    num = int(input("another number: "))


count = 0
sum = 0
num = int(input('''please enter any number of your choice\n
please enter -1 to stop entry and run program\n'''))

while num != -1:
    sum += num
    count +=1
    num = int(input('''Give another integer\n'''))

print("the average of the numbers you have entered is", sum/count)



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