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如何从 spark dataframe 中的文本列中删除额外的转义字符

[英]How to remove extra Escape characters from a text column in spark dataframe

我在 json 中的数据看起来像 -

{"text": "\"I have recently taken out a 12 month mobile phone contract with Virgin but despite two calls to customer help I still am getting a message on my phone indicating \\\"No Service\\\" although intermittently I do get connected.\"", "created_at": "\"2018-08-27 16:58:30\"", "service_id": "51870", "category_id": "249"}

我读了这个 JSON 使用 -

val complaintsSourceRaw = spark.read.json("file:///complaints.jsonl")

当我读取 dataframe 中的数据时,它看起来像

|249        |"2018-08-27 16:58:30"|51870     |"I have recently taken out a 12 month mobile phone contract with Virgin but despite two calls to customer help I still am getting a message on my phone indicating **\"No Service\"** although intermittently I do get connected."  


 **\"No Service\"**  need to be like  **"No Service"** 


complaintsSourceRaw.withColumn("text_cleaned", functions.regexp_replace(complaintsSourceRaw.col("text"), "\", ""));

但是 \ 字符使我的 " 和代码中断。知道如何实现这一点吗?

您需要转义“\”字符,因此在您的 regexp_replace 中您应该寻找两个反斜杠 ("\\") 字符,而不是一个。


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