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javascript 中嵌套对象的日期时间排序

[英]date time sorting with nested objects in javascript

我有一种情况,我现在被卡住了,所以基本上我想用它的嵌套数组的值对我的数组进行排序。 我想用名为notifications的嵌套数组的日期时间对名为arr的父数组进行排序。 我只希望那些更新了createdAt of notifications的对象应该排在第一位。

const arr = [ 
        "name": "Two"
        "notifications": [
                "name": "Notification of two (1)",
                "createdAt": "2021-03-17T10:30:03.629262Z"
                "name": "Notification of two (1)",
                "createdAt": "2021-03-17T10:30:03.629262Z"
        "name": "One"
        "notifications": [
                "name": "Notification of one (1)",
                "createdAt": "2022-03-17T10:30:03.629262Z"
                "name": "Notification of one (1)",
                "createdAt": "2022-03-17T10:30:03.629262Z"

这是解决问题的一种方法。 它计算每个项目通知的最大日期,然后在该最大日期执行降序排序。

 const arr = [ { name: "Two", notifications: [ { name: "Notification of two (1)", createdAt: "2021-03-17T10:30:03.629262Z", }, { name: "Notification of two (1)", createdAt: "2021-03-17T10:30:03.629262Z", }, ], }, { name: "One", notifications: [ { name: "Notification of one (1)", createdAt: "2022-03-17T10:30:03.629262Z", }, { name: "Notification of one (1)", createdAt: "2022-03-17T10:30:03.629262Z", }, ], }, ]; const max_date = (x) => Math.max.apply( null, x.notifications.map((n) => new Date(n.createdAt)) ); // Descending sort by maximum date arr.sort((x, y) => max_date(y) - max_date(x)); console.log(arr);

后续问题的答案:如果不是createdAt作为时间戳,假设您有一个简单的 boolean 称为notified并且您希望在非通知项目之前对通知项目进行排序。

在下面的示例中,我们简单地计算notified=true属性的数量并对其进行降序排序。 因此,所有具有 1+ notified=true的项目都出现在具有 0 notified=true的项目之前,具有 2x notified=true的项目出现在具有 1x notified=true的项目之前。

const notif_count = (x) => x.notifications.filter((n) => n.notified).length;

// Descending sort by count of notified=true
arr.sort((x, y) => notif_count(y) - notif_count(x));


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