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使用子进程后如何暂停cmd window.Popen function

[英]How to pause cmd window after using subprocess.Popen function

我想让 5 个子流程同时工作。 问题是 cmd window 出现了一秒钟,所以我看不到任何东西。 在完成代码后,如何暂停它或做任何其他事情才能看到 window?


client = subprocess.Popen(f'python file.py {arg1} {arg2}', creationflags=CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE)

您可以通过创建 Windows 批处理文件来执行您的 Python 脚本,然后在结束前暂停。

import atexit
import msvcrt
import os
import subprocess
import sys
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
import time
import textwrap

def create_batchfile(proc_no, py_script_filename, *script_args):
    """Create a batch file to execute a Python script and pass it the specified
    arguments then pause and wait for a key to be pressed before allowing the
    console window to close.
    with NamedTemporaryFile('w', delete=False, newline='', suffix='.bat',
                           ) as batchfile:
        cmd = (f'"{sys.executable}" "{py_script_filename}" ' +
               ' '.join(f'"{sarg}"' for sarg in script_args))

        print(f'{cmd}')  # Display subprocess being executed. (optional)
            @echo off
            title Subprocess #{proc_no}
            echo {py_script_filename} has finished execution
        return batchfile.name

def clean_up(filenames):
    """Remove list of files."""
    for filename in filenames:

temp_files = []  # List of files to delete when script finishes.
py_script_filename = 'my_file.py'

atexit.register(clean_up, temp_files)

for i in range(1, 4):
    batch_filename = create_batchfile(i, 'my_file.py', i, 'arg 2')
    subprocess.Popen(batch_filename, creationflags=subprocess.CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE)

print('Press any key to quit: ', end='', flush=True)
while True:  # Wait for keypress.
    if msvcrt.kbhit():
        ch = msvcrt.getch()
        if ch in b'\x00\xe0':  # Arrow or function key prefix?
            ch = msvcrt.getch()  # Second call returns the actual key code.


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