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React hooks 性能和最佳实践

[英]React hooks performance and best practices

在我的 React 应用程序中,我遇到了下一种情况。 在每个页面上,我都必须创建这个逻辑:

const user = useUser();
const message = user.auth ? 'Welcome' : 'You are not allowed'


我必须在 10 页上添加这个逻辑。 我知道我的问题更具理论性,但在我的情况下更好的是:

  1. 在每个页面上添加此逻辑; 或者

  2. 创建一个像useButtonMessage()这样的自定义钩子,如下所示:

     export const useButtonMessage = () => { const user = useUser(); const message = user.auth ? 'Welcome' : 'You are not allowed' return message; }

如果只保留 3 行代码,钩子会不会是多余的?

就个人而言,我喜欢使用特定主题的所有相关事物创建挂钩(而不是像message这样的常量)。 例如:

 export const useAuth = () => {
   const user = useUser()

   const isLoggedIn = user.auth
   const welcomeMessage = isLoggedIn ? 'Welcome' : 'You are not allowed'

     add selectors, functions to dispatch actions, 
     or other util contants such as welcomeMessage

   return {
     isLoggedIn, // use this constant across your app to check if the user is logged in
     user, // use this across your app to obtain the user


然后你可以添加条件属性 fe

export const messages = 
 userAllowed: (authenticated: boolean) => authenticated ? 'welcome' : 'you are not allowed'


export const messages =
 Welcome: 'welcome',
 NotAllowed: 'you are not allowed',
 userAllowed: function(authenticated: boolean) { 
  return authenticated ? this.Welcome : this.NotAllowed


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