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使用 Whatsapp-web.js 和 MyanimeList api 在群组中发送新闻

[英]Using Whatsapp-web.js and MyanimeList api to send news on group

正如标题描述我的问题一样,我最近才开始使用 whatsapp-web.js 开发 WhatsApp Bot,但问题是我不擅长阅读文档,所以我的问题是:

Does anyone knows how to send anime and manga latest news to whatsapp using an api, like MyAnimeList Api or MYANIMENEWS api, or any other api


client.on('message', async message => {
const content = message.body

if (content === "anime-news") {
    const animeDb = await axios("https://cdn.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/api.xml?anime=id")
        .then(res => res.data)

    client.sendMessage(message.from, await MessageMedia.fromUrl('animeDb.url'))


 function hash(string, len=10){return result} // hash the content let currentHash; let chatSubsCode = ["12312@c.us","1231231@g.us","etc"]; const delay = 1000; setInterval(()=>{ // some code to request data let data = "some response"; // <- warn: it will spam API request let hashedData = hash(data); if(currentHash==hashedData) return; currentHash = hashedData; // send for(chatid of chatSubsCode) client.sendMessage(chatid, data); },delay)


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