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[英]Program terminates in eclipse

我正在处理一个类项目并且整天都在处理这个代码,逻辑似乎在 IDE 中编译,但是当我运行它时,它只是挂起然后终止。 我已经尝试关闭和打开 IDE,甚至创建了新项目,但我似乎无法解决这个问题。 我正在使用日食。 这是代码。

package assignment_One;
public class Weight_Class {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // a class that represents a Weight in pounds and ounces
        class Weight {
           // private instance variables
           private int pounds;
           private double ounces;
           // a private named constant that defines the number of ounces in a pound
           private double ouncesInPounds = 16;
           // constructor that allows the pounds and ounces to be initialized 
           // to the values supplied as parameters
           public Weight(int pounds, double ounces) {
               this.pounds = pounds;
               this.ounces = ounces;
               // normalize the ounces
           // a method that checks if the current object's weight is less than 
           // the object passed as a parameter to the method
           public boolean lessThan(Weight wt) {
               // return true if the pounds of the current object is less
               if(this.pounds < wt.pounds) 
                   return true;
               // return false if the pounds of the current object is more
               else if(this.pounds > wt.pounds)
                   return false;
               // else both the weights have the same pounds
               else {
                   // return true if the ounces of the current object is less
                   if(this.ounces < wt.ounces)
                       return true;
                   // return false if the ounces of the current object is more
                       return false;
           // a method that adds weight to the current object
           public void addTo(Weight wt) {
               // add the pounds and ounces of the called object to the current object
               this.pounds += wt.pounds;
               this.ounces += wt.ounces;
               // normalize the ounces
           // a method that returns the string representation of the object
           public String toString() {
               return pounds + " lbs " + String.format("%.2f", ounces) + " oz";
           // a method that returns the total number of ounces in the called object
           private double toOunces() {
               return pounds * ouncesInPounds + ounces;
           // a method that normalizes the weight on which it was invoked
           private void normalizeOunces() {
               // loop until the no. of ounces is less than the no. of ounces in a pound
               while(ounces > ouncesInPounds) {
                   // decrement 16 ounces from the ounces and increment pound by 1
                   ounces -= ouncesInPounds;
           // I'm adding an additional method named getAvg()
           // this method will accept a number and divide the current object's weight
           // by the given number & then normalize the weight
           public void getAvg(int n) {
               // convert the current object's weight to total ounces
               ounces = toOunces();
               // reinitialize the current object's pound to 0
               pounds = 0;
               // divide the total ounces by the given number
               ounces = ounces / n;
               // normalize the ounces
        //public class Project1.java;
        class Project1 {
           // a method that returns the smallest weight among 3 weights
           public static final String java = null;
        private static Weight findMinimum(Weight w1, Weight w2, Weight w3) {
               // if the first weight is smaller than the second & third weight
               if(w1.lessThan(w2) && w1.lessThan(w3))
                   // return the first weight as the smallest weight
                   return w1;
               // else if the second weight is smaller than the first & third weight
               else if(w2.lessThan(w1) && w2.lessThan(w3))
                   // return the second weight as the smallest weight
                   return w2;
               // else the third weight is smaller than the first & second weight
                   // return the third weight as the smallest weight
                   return w3;
           // a method that returns the highest weight among 3 weights
           private static Weight findMaximum(Weight w1, Weight w2, Weight w3) {
               // if the first weight is greater than the second & third weight
               if(!w1.lessThan(w2) && !w1.lessThan(w3))
                   // return the first weight as the highest weight
                   return w1;
               // else if the second weight is greater than the first & third weight
               else if(!w2.lessThan(w1) && !w2.lessThan(w3))
                   // return the second weight as the highest weight
                   return w2;
               // else the third weight is greater than the first & second weight
                   // return the third weight as the highest weight
                   return w3;
           // a method that returns the average weight among 3 weights
           private static Weight findAverage(Weight w1, Weight w2, Weight w3) {
               // create a new Weight object
               Weight wt = new Weight(0, 0);
               // add the weight of the three objects to the new Weight object
               // by invoking the addTo() method
               // invoke the getAvg() method to get the average weight
               // return the average weight
               return wt;
           // main method
        public static void main(final String[] args) {
        } {
               // create three weight objects
               Weight weight1 = new Weight(25, 20);
               Weight weight2 = new Weight(30, 8);
               Weight weight3 = new Weight(23, 10);
               // display the 3 weights
               System.out.println("Weight 1: "+weight1.toString());
               System.out.println("Weight 2: "+weight2.toString());
               System.out.println("Weight 3: "+weight3.toString());
               // invoke the findMinimum() method to get the smallest weight among the 3 weights
               Weight min = findMinimum(weight1, weight2, weight3);
               // display the minimum of the 3 weights
               System.out.println("\nMinimum weight: "+min.toString());
               // invoke the findMaximum() method to get the highest weight among the 3 weights
               Weight max = findMaximum(weight1, weight2, weight3);
               // display the maximum of the 3 weights
               System.out.println("\nMaximum weight: "+max.toString());
               // invoke the findAverage() method to get the average weight of the 3 weights
               Weight avg = findAverage(weight1, weight2, weight3);
               // display the average of the 3 weights
               System.out.println("\nAverage weight: "+avg.toString());

要显示根本问题,请查看代码结构 - 删除大部分语句和注释以方便可视化:

public class Weight_Class {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        class Weight {
            // MEMBERS DELETED

        class Project1 {
            // MEMBERS DELETED

            public static void main(final String[] args) {
                // NO STATEMENTS
                // create three weight objects
                Weight weight1 = new Weight(25, 20);
                Weight weight2 = new Weight(30, 8);
                Weight weight3 = new Weight(23, 10);
                System.out.println("\nAverage weight: "+avg.toString());

        // NO STATEMENTS  

我们现在可以看到两个main方法中都没有声明。 // create three weight objects之后的语句不在任何main方法中,而是在 Instance Initializer 块中!


public class Weight_Class {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // create three weight objects
        Weight weight1 = new Weight(25, 20);
        Weight weight2 = new Weight(30, 8);
        Weight weight3 = new Weight(23, 10);
        System.out.println("\nAverage weight: "+avg.toString());

    static class Weight {
    static class Project1 {
        // NO main METHOD HERE

Obs 1:将static添加到嵌套(内部)类,因此它们不需要包含类。

Obs 2:发布的代码旨在显示整体结构并且不完整 - 它们不会编译!


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