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discord.py Member.activity 返回自定义状态而不是游戏

[英]discord.py Member.activity returns custom status and not game


async def on_member_update(before, after):
  role = discord.utils.get(after.guild.roles, name="roleName")
  games = ["Escape from Tarkov"]

  if after.activity and after.activity.name in games:
    await after.add_roles(role)

      #this takes back the role when the member exits the game
  elif before.activity and before.activity.name in games and not after.activity:
    if role in after.roles: # check they already have the role, as to not throw an error
      await after.remove_roles(role)

但是,当成员具有自定义状态时, after.activity.name返回自定义状态而不是正在玩的游戏,因此可以避免获得角色。 我想不出办法解决这个问题,也找不到与此相关的任何其他帖子。 任何帮助表示赞赏。

member.activities 返回一个包含所有活动的数组,包括当前游戏。



(<CustomActivity name='this is my custom status message for a test' emoji=None>, <Activity type=<ActivityType.playing: 0> name='Code' url=None details='Debugging main.py' application_id=782685898163617802 session_id=None emoji=None>)

如果你愿意,你可以在 on_message 事件中这样测试它:(记住使用这个事件会中断命令,所以不要忘记删除它)

async def on_message(message):
    for activity in message.author.activities:
        print(f"    > {activity}")


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