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django中的class Meta有什么用?

[英]What is the use of class Meta in django?

我一直在用django ,用过class Meta:很多次了,到底有什么用呢?

例如,在 django models

class Accounts(models.Model):

   ---some code here--- 

   class Meta:
       ordering = [-1]

在 django forms

class AccountForm(forms.ModelForm):

   ---some code here--- 

   class Meta:
       fields = '__all__'

class Meta is basically the inner class. In Django, the use of the Meta class is simply to provide metadata to the ModelForm or the Model class. It is different from the metaclass of a Class in Python.

class Meta用于更改模型的行为,例如排序、verbose_name 等。尽管它是可选的,是否包含在您的模型中。


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