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[英]How to point to underlying class of <T> in generic factory


public interface IVegetable


public class Potato : IVegetable


public class Onion : IVegetable



public interface IVegetableProcessor<T> where T : IVegetable
    string GetColor(T vegetable);

public interface IOnionProcessor : IVegetableProcessor<Onion>
    void MakeCry(Onion onion);

public class OnionProcessor : IOnionProcessor
    public string GetColor(Onion onion)
        return "Purple";

    public void MakeCry(Onion onion)
        Console.WriteLine($"{onion} made you cry!");


interface IVegetableProcessorFactory
    IVegetableProcessor<T> GetVegetableProcessor<T>(T vegetable) where T : IVegetable;

internal class VegetableProcessorFactory : IVegetableProcessorFactory
    public IVegetableProcessor<T> GetVegetableProcessor<T>(T vegetable) where T : IVegetable
        object processor = vegetable switch
            Onion => new OnionProcessor(),
            _ => throw new NotImplementedException($"Other vegetables not here yet")

        return (IVegetableProcessor<T>)processor; //this will fail later


static void Main(string[] args)
    var onion = new Onion() as IVegetable;
    var factory = new VegetableProcessorFactory();

    var processor = factory.GetVegetableProcessor(onion);



System.InvalidCastException: 'Unable to cast object of type 'OnionProcessor' to type 'IVegetableProcessor`1[Vegetables.Program+IVegetable]'.'

如何让它理解 IVegetable 的底层类并将处理器转换为它的相应类型?

您的输入已经是逆变的,但是通过将您的 Onion 实例转换为IVegetable ,它不再能够在您的工厂中被转换回IVetetableProcessor<T> ,因为此时您需要IVetetableProcessor<Onion> ,但是您拥有的是IVegetableProcessor<IVegetable> ,并且您的界面不是协变的。

通过简单地将new Onion的初始转换删除到IVegetable ,您的代码将按原样工作:

static void Main(string[] args)
    var onion = new Onion();
    var factory = new VegetableProcessorFactory();

    var processor = factory.GetVegetableProcessor(onion);


public interface IVegetable { }
public class Potato : IVegetable { }
public class Onion : IVegetable { }

public interface IVegetableProcessor<T> where T : IVegetable
    string GetColor(T vegetable);

public interface IOnionProcessor : IVegetableProcessor<Onion>
    void MakeCry();

public class OnionProcessor : IOnionProcessor
    public string GetColor(Onion vegetable)
        return "Purple";

    public void MakeCry()
        Console.WriteLine("You cry now!");

interface IVegetableProcessorFactory
    IVegetableProcessor<T> GetVegetableProcessor<T>(T vegetable) where T : IVegetable;

internal class VegetableProcessorFactory : IVegetableProcessorFactory
    public IVegetableProcessor<T> GetVegetableProcessor<T>(T vegetable) where T : IVegetable
        var processor = vegetable switch
            Onion => new OnionProcessor(),
            _ => throw new NotImplementedException($"Other vegetables not here yet")

        return (IVegetableProcessor<T>)processor;

你必须首先投射的事实是你暗示你的作品中有什么东西被破坏了。 正如 Selvin 在评论中提到的,实现IVegetableProcessor<Onion>与实现IVegetableProcessor<IVegetable>

您的处理器接口应该实现IVegetableProcessor<IVegetable>并采用 IVegetable 实例,允许输入参数的逆变:

public interface IVegetableProcessor<T> where T : IVegetable
    string GetColor(T vegetable);

public interface IOnionProcessor : IVegetableProcessor<IVegetable>
    void MakeCry();

public class OnionProcessor : IOnionProcessor
    public string GetColor(IVegetable vegetable)
        return "Purple";

    public void MakeCry()
        Console.WriteLine("You cry now!");

interface IVegetableProcessorFactory
    IVegetableProcessor<IVegetable> GetVegetableProcessor(IVegetable vegetable);

internal class VegetableProcessorFactory : IVegetableProcessorFactory
    public IVegetableProcessor<IVegetable> GetVegetableProcessor(IVegetable vegetable)
        var processor = vegetable switch
            Onion => new OnionProcessor(),
            _ => throw new NotImplementedException($"Other vegetables not here yet")

        return processor;


static void Main(string[] args)
    var onion = new Onion();
    var factory = new VegetableProcessorFactory();

    var processor = factory.GetVegetableProcessor(onion);



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