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如何计算 prisma io 中的记录?

[英]how to count records in prisma io?

我正在执行查询,但帐户的结果添加了字母“n”,我不明白为什么当我在 mysql 控制台中执行查询时,它会正确显示。

const client = await prisma.$queryRaw`SELECT idClient, COUNT(*) as totalCount FROM sales GROUP BY idClient`;


执行相同的查询,但在 heidiSQL 中。 在此处输入图像描述

带有n后缀的数字表示 JavaScript MDN中的 BigInt 类型。 这可能是由于 v4.0.0 中进行了一些queryRaw更改。 Integer 结果现在作为 BigInt 返回。 You must change your code to handle the new type 请参阅升级指南的这一部分

示例:给定这个 Schema 文件

model Customers {
  id  Int  @id @default(autoincrement())
  customerName String
  country String


async function main() {

  await prisma.customers.createMany({
    data: [
        country: 'USA',
        customerName: 'John Doe',
        country: 'Germany',
        customerName: 'Jane Doe',
        country: 'Canada',
        customerName: 'Adams Doe',

  const clients = await prisma.customers.groupBy({
    by: ['country'],
    _count: true,
  console.log("Using normal client query with groupBy ")

  const clientsWithRawQuery =
    await prisma.$queryRaw`SELECT Country, COUNT(country) as totalCount
FROM Customers GROUP BY Country`;
  console.log("\n Using queryRaw")

    'Before Conversion: Typeof Count:',
    typeof clientsWithRawQuery[0].totalCount

  clientsWithRawQuery.forEach((countryObject) => {
    countryObject.totalCount = Number(countryObject.totalCount);

    'After Conversion: Typeof Count:',
    typeof clientsWithRawQuery[0].totalCount
  console.log('\n', clientsWithRawQuery)

output 是

Using normal client query with groupBy 
  { _count: 2, country: 'Canada' },
  { _count: 2, country: 'Germany' },
  { _count: 2, country: 'USA' }

 Using queryRaw
  { Country: 'Canada', totalCount: 2n },
  { Country: 'Germany', totalCount: 2n },
  { Country: 'USA', totalCount: 2n }
Before Conversion: Typeof Count: bigint
After Conversion: Typeof Count: number

  { Country: 'Canada', totalCount: 2 },
  { Country: 'Germany', totalCount: 2 },
  { Country: 'USA', totalCount: 2 }


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