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如何使用 spl-token 0.1.8 转移代币

[英]How to transfer token using spl-token 0.1.8

我有这段代码使用 spl-token 0.2.x 传输令牌。

如何在 0.1.8 中使用相同的代码? 根据我对文档的理解,两者之间没有重大变化,但旧版本使用令牌 class,但我不知道如何为getOrCreateAssociatedTokenAccounttransfer函数调用它。

async function transferToken(endpoint: string, fromWallet: Keypair, address_to: string, token_id: string)
    const connection = new Connection(endpoint);
    const toWalletPublicKey = new PublicKey(address_to);
    const mint_key = new PublicKey(token_id);

    // From
    const from = [connection, fromWallet, mint_key, fromWallet.publicKey];
    const fromTokenAccount = await getOrCreateAssociatedTokenAccount(...from);

    // To
    const to = [connection, fromWallet, mint_key, toWalletPublicKey];
    const toTokenAccount = await getOrCreateAssociatedTokenAccount(...to);

    // Transfer
    const transferParams = [connection, fromWallet, fromTokenAccount.address, toTokenAccount.address, fromWallet.publicKey, 1, []];
    return await transfer(...transferParams);  

实际上,版本 2 确实有重大更改(因此是版本的主要改进),在这种情况下,它删除了Token class 以支持您在示例中看到的那些功能。

文档非常……糟糕,但是如果您在一年前查看 Github 项目,那么您可以看到 function 是如何一点一点迁移的。

getOrCreateAssociatedTokenAccounttransfer需要使用 class Token 的方式如下:

const token = new Token(connection, toWalletPublicKey, mint_key, fromWallet.publicKey) // Not sure about the last argument as it is the Signer

   * Retrieve the associated account or create one if not found.
   * This account may then be used as a `transfer()` or `approve()` destination
   * @param owner User account that will own the new account
   * @return The new associated account
const fromTokenAccount = token.getOrCreateAssociatedAccountInfo(fromWallet.publicKey)

const toTokenAccount = token.getOrCreateAssociatedAccountInfo(toWalletPublicKey)

* Transfer parameters
* @param source Source account
* @param destination Destination account
* @param owner Owner of the source account
* @param multiSigners Signing accounts if `owner` is a multiSig
* @param amount Number of tokens to transfer
token.transfer(fromTokenAccount, toTokenAccount, fromWallet, [], 1)



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