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[英]How to get the peak that is closest to the current price in Pinescript

我正在尝试获取最接近当前价格、高于当前价格且在最后 15 根蜡烛内的峰值价格

例如,最后 15 根蜡烛中可能有 3 个峰值。 我试图对它们进行排序以获得最接近最近蜡烛价格的峰值价格,并且高于最近蜡烛的价格,无论最近发生哪个峰值



如何获取最接近当前价格、高于当前价格且在最近 15 根蜡烛内的峰值价格?



indicator(title="peak", overlay = true)

peak = close[0] < close[1] and close[1] > close[2]

////previouscandle = ta.valuewhen(peak, close[1], 0)
////barssince_last_peak = ta.barssince(peak)

////targetPrice = barssince_last_peak <= 15 and barssince_last_peak > 0 ? previouscandle : na

startprice = close
targetprice = close

//loop through the last 15 candles
for i=0 to 15-1
    //if a peak price is greater than the start price set its peak price to the targetpricenew variable
    targetpricenew = ta.valuewhen(peak and close[1] > startprice, close[1], 0)
    // if the distance between targetpricenew's peak is less than the distance between the current targetprices's peak 
    if ( targetpricenew - startprice ) < ( targetprice - startprice )

        //Set the targetpricenew peak as the targetprice
        targetprice = targetpricenew

//plot the targetprice
plot(targetprice, style = plot.style_linebr)

在这种情况下,当您想要根据 for 循环的结果修改现有变量(如targetprice )时,您必须使用:=而不是=

尝试将targetprice = targetpricenew替换为targetprice:= targetpricenew 如果您针对要执行的操作正确编写了逻辑代码,这将使您的脚本绘制出正确的目标价格!


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