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我开始在 ocaml 工作,我无法弄清楚关于 nat 类型的小事

[英]I started working in ocaml and i can't figure out a small thing about nat types

我正在尝试编写类型为 nat -> nat -> nat -> nat 的 function,我将其命名为 sudan_nat 它按照苏丹 function 的原则工作 **


//This is the type definition
type nat = Zero | Succ of nat

let add_nat m n =
  let rec helper m = match m with Zero -> n | Succ m -> Succ (helper m)
  in helper m

let zero_nat = Zero
let one_nat  = Succ zero_nat             
let two_nat  = Succ one_nat             
let four_nat  = add_nat two_nat two_nat`

let sudan_nat m n p = 
  let rec helper m n = match m with Zero -> n | Succ m -> Succ (helper m n)
  in helper (add_nat (add_nat m n) p) one_nat

这是我为 sudan_nat 写的代码

我测试 output 的情况是 ((sudan_nat one_nat two_nat two_nat) = (add_nat (add_nat four_nat four_nat) four_nat))

Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero)))))


   (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero)))))))))))


four_natSucc (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero))) 那是 4 个Succ构造函数。 你把其中的 3 个加在一起,所以你有... 12。4 乘以 3 = 12。

当谈到评估sudan_nat nat_one nat_two nat_two时,它分解了:

sudan_nat nat_one nat_two nat_two
helper (add_nat (add_nat nat_one nat_two) nat_two) one_nat
helper (add_nat (add_nat Zero nat_two) nat_two) one_nat
helper (add_nat nat_two nat_two) one_nat
helper nat_four one_nat
Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero))))


module Nat =
  type t = Zero | Succ of t
  let add m n =
    let rec helper m = 
      match m with 
      | Zero -> n 
      | Succ m -> Succ (helper m)
    helper m

  let one = Succ Zero
  let two = Succ (Succ Zero)
  let four = add two two
  let sudan m n p = 
    let rec helper m n = 
      match m with 
      | Zero -> n 
      | Succ m -> Succ (helper m n)
    helper (add (add m n) p) one


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