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找不到类型或命名空间名称“RenderModel”Unity3d SteamVR

[英]The type or namespace name 'RenderModel' could not be found Unity3d SteamVR

嗨,我正在 Unity3D 中为 UWP 制作 VR 家庭应用程序,我收到此错误,该应用程序执行以下操作:列出所有用户安装的应用程序并在画布中列出图标,当用户单击它们时,它会打开他们单击的应用程序在


using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Linq;
using Valve.VR;

public class OpenApp : MonoBehaviour
    // reference to the canvas that will display the app icons
    public Canvas appCanvas;

    // reference to the prefab for the app icon buttons
    public Button appIconPrefab;

    // reference to the OpenVR system
    public CVRSystem vrSystem;

    // reference to the OpenVR applications interface
    public IVRApplications vrApps;

    // reference to the app model
    private RenderModel appModel;

    // called when the script is enabled
    public void OnEnable()
        // get the OpenVR system
        vrSystem = OpenVR.System;

        // get the OpenVR applications interface
        vrApps = OpenVR.Applications;

        // get a list of installed apps
        uint appCount = vrApps.GetApplicationCount();
        string[] appList = new string[appCount];
        for (uint i = 0; i < appCount; i++)
            appList[i] = vrApps.GetApplicationKeyByIndex(i, EVRApplicationError.None);

        // sort the app list by app name
        appList = appList.OrderBy(app => app).ToArray();

        // iterate over the app list
        foreach (string appPath in appList)
            // create a new app icon button
            Button appIcon = Instantiate(appIconPrefab);

            // set the parent of the app icon button to the canvas

            // set the position and rotation of the app icon button
            appIcon.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
            appIcon.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

            // set the app path as the command for the app icon button
                        appIcon.onClick.AddListener(() => LaunchApp(appPath));

            // TODO: set the app icon for the app icon button
            // You can use the RenderModel class to load the app icon, or you can use a different method to retrieve the app icon from the app path.

    // called when the script is disabled
    private void OnDisable()
        // destroy all app icon buttons
        foreach (Transform child in appCanvas.transform)

        // destroy the app model
        if (appModel != null)

        // disable the canvas
        appCanvas.enabled = false;

    // called when an app icon button is clicked
    public void LaunchApp(string appPath)
            // launch the app

            // create a new RenderModel for the app
            appModel = new RenderModel(appPath);

            // set the canvas as the parent of the app model

            // set the position and rotation of the app model
            appModel.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
            appModel.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

            // enable the canvas
            appCanvas.enabled = true;
        catch (System.Exception ex)
            // show an error message
            Debug.LogError("Failed to launch app: " + ex.Message);

我尝试了 chat.openai.com 的建议,这对我有很大帮助,我还检查了是否有任何语法错误,对我来说看起来不错

RenderModel 类位于 Valve.VR.InteractionSystem 命名空间中。 您的 using 语句列表中缺少这个。


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